Honda/AcuraDesktop DockingSIRIUS InterfaceStation
figure the unit for correct display to match your headunit. Labeled 1 and 2 for text scroll and display length settings respectively. Text display switch configuration:
16 characters
11 characters
1.Set dip switch 1 to Scroll ON/ Scroll OFF as follows:
a)Radios with media or navigation displays: OFF (up position)
b)Radios with 11 or 16 character display only set to ON (down position). In many radios, the display refresh rate is too slow to support smooth text scrolling. For this reason the default setting for switch 1 is Scroll OFF (up). If your radio supports text scrolling, set switch 1 to ON (down).
2.Set dip switch 2 to the up position for the 16 character setting or to the down position for the 11 character posi- tion in order to match the display of your specific radio.
Note: The default settings from the factory are "scroll off" and "16 character".In order for text display configuration switch settings to take effect, you must disconnect power to the