To receive TECHNICAL SUPPORT at no charge for a
period, complete both sides of this Registration Card.
Registration Card must be postmarked to KONEXX within 14 days of purchase. Stamp and mail, or register on our web site at www.konexx.com, or fax both sides to KONEXX at
Where did you purchase your Data Port Anywhere?
Price Paid (Approx.): | Date purchased: |
What are you using the KONEXX DPA for (check all that apply)?
Internet connection,
Int’l Travel
What type of phone(s) are you connecting the KONEXX DPA to?
One particular office phone, Hotel Phones
Various Office Phones,
What type of computer are you using with the KONEXX DPA?
What type of operating system are you using?
Windows 98, | Windows 2000, |
Mac OS
How did you hear about the KONEXX Data Port Anywhere?
Web Search, | Editorial, | Advertisement, | |
Heard from a friend, | Work Associate, Other: |
I found the KONEXX Data Port Anywhere:
Trade Show,
Very easy to use, | Easy to use |
Very difficult, | Have not used it yet |
Somewhat difficult,
What is your company web site?
Further Comments: