Chapter 8 Configuration on Various WAN Type
3.Check the PPTP radio button and press the Save button. The configuration page for PPTP will be displayed.
Figure 8.6b Configuration on PPTP
4. Fill in the parameters for your PPTP service:
Connect IP Key in the IP Address of your Service Provider.
Username Enter the username of your PPTP subscription.
Password Enter the password of the username.
VPN Server Enter the IP Address for VPN server.
Idle Timeout This field allows you to specify the idling timeout value for Compex WP11A+ to disconnect from the ISP. “0” value in this field disables idling timeout function. When set to “0”, Compex WP11A+ remains connected unless disconnected by the ISP. Once disconnected, Compex WP11A+ will stay offline until the next Internet request is detected in the network.