8.1Control code list
Character | CODE | Function |
LF | 0A | Line feed after printing |
CR | 0D | Line feed after printing |
SI | 0F | Specifying standard character |
SO | 0E | Specifying double wide character |
US | 1F | Specifying standard character |
RS | 1E | Specifying double wide character |
CAN | 18 | Data cancellation |
DC2 | 12 | Specifying inverted character |
DC1 | 11 | Initial setting |
ESC + "B" | 1B, 42 | Specifying continuous paper feed |
ESC + "R" | 1B, 52 | Specifying international character |
ESC + " / " | 1B, 2F | Registration of sentence |
ESC + " ! " | 1B, 21 | Printing registered sentence |
ESC + "&" | 1B, 26 | Defining the download character |
ESC + "%" | 1B, 25 | Download character valid / invalid |
ESC + "K" | 1B, 4B | Bit image printing |
FS + "W" + 1 | 1C, 57,1 | Specifying double wide and double high character |
FS + "W" + 0 | 1C, 57, 0 | Cancellation of double wide and double high character |
32 | CITIZEN |