a)Receiver : 0x200(512 bytes)
b)Sender : 0x30 (48 bytes)
c)Server: 0x30 (48 bytes)
d)Password: 0x30 (48 bytes)
e)Warning MSG(text) : 0x50 (80 bytes)
5)Mail contents include : ”From:”, “To:”, “Subject”, “IP Family Address”
GPRS for Cell Phone : Support WAP.
IP POWER 9212 support GPRS function , you can use cell phone ( with online function ) To setup the online device ( real IP address) as operate in browser .:
1)Address setting : add “ /wap” after your online IP address . For example :
or appointed port[:8080]/wap the interface is same as in IE(Internet Explore) .
2)The IP Address must be real ip address and can be work on Internet..
3)The name of IP device must be English , or will be encode in wap.
4)Before using WAP control, please check if your cell phone support GPRS and if your number had apply online service.
We support : Motorola V878 , Sony Ericsson T630 and Siemens.
Software online update :
For wild application in different filed , IP POWER 9212 support online update .It safe time and money as developing your product .
Step 1 Login the webpage
Step 2 Click Firmware Update and click update
Step 3 Click browser to use latest Firmware then click Upgrade to update Firmware
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