Multiquip b46s90 TrOwEl SafETy, ENgiNE SafETy, Order Form PT-160, Before servicing equipment

Page 9

Safety Information

TrOwEl SafETy


„Engine fuel exhaust gases contain poisonous carbon monoxide. This gas is colorless and odorless, and can cause death if inhaled.

„The engine of this equipment requires an adequate free fl ow of cooling air. NeveR operate this equipment in any enclosed or narrow area

where free fl ow of the air is restricted. If the air fl ow is

restricted it will cause injury to people and property and serious damage to the equipment or engine.

„NeveR operate the equipment in an explosive atmosphere or near combustible materials.An explosion or fi re could result causing severe bodily harm or even death.


„alwayS keep clear of rotating or moving

parts while operating the trowel.

„dO NOT start or operate the trowel if the drive train will not disengage. Centrifugal

force between the trowel and surface when starting can cause uncontrolled handle movement that can cause serious injury. The handle must not move while pulling the engine recoil starter.

„NeveR disconnect any emergency or safety devices.

These devices are intended for operator safety. Disconnection of these devices can cause severe injury, bodily harm or even death. Disconnection of any of these devices will void all warranties.


„NeveR stand on trowel during operation.

„NeveR lubricate components or attempt service on a running machine.

„NeveR place your feet or hands inside the guard rings while starting or operating this equipment.


„alwayS keep the machine in proper running condition.

„Fix damage to machine and replace any broken parts immediately.

„alwayS store equipment properly when it is not being used. Equipment should be stored in a clean, dry location out of the reach of children and unauthorized personnel.

„A safety manual for operating and maintenance personnel of concrete power trowels produced by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) can be obtained for a fee by ordering through their website at

Order FORM PT-160



„dO NOT place hands or fingers inside engine compartment when engine is running.

„NeveR operate the engine with heat shields or guards removed.

„Keep fi ngers, hands hair and clothing away from all moving parts to prevent injury.

„dO NOT remove the radiator cap while the

engine is hot. High pressure boiling water will gush out of the radiator and severely scald any persons in the general area of the trowel.

„dO NOT remove the coolant drain plug while the engine is hot. Hot coolant will gush out of the coolant tank and severely scald any persons in the general area of the trowel.

„dO NOT remove the engine oil drain plug while the engine is hot. Hot oil will gush out of the oil tank and severely scald any persons in the general area of the trowel.


„NeveR touch the hot exhaust manifold, muffl er or cylinder. Allow these parts to cool

before servicing equipment.

b46s90 WALK-BEHIND TROWEL • operatION And parts manual — rev. #0 (06/13/13) — page 9

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Contents Model b46s90 Fuel and chemical exposure Warnings Silicosis Warning Silicosis/Respiratory WarningsB46S90 WALK-BEHIND Trowel Table of ContentsCompletely Training checklistDaily pre-Operation checklist Daily pre-operation checklistSaFeTy meSSageS Safety InformationGENEral SafETy ENgiNE SafETy TrOwEl SafETyOrder Form PT-160 Before servicing equipmentTraNSpOrTiNg SafETy FUeL SaFeTyEmISSIONS INFORmaTION ENvIRONmeNTaL SaFeTy/DeCOmmISSIONINgEmission control label Label must remain with the engine for its entire lifeGuaranteed ISO 37442010 Based Trowel SPECIFICATIONS/DIMENSIONSSound Power Level in dBA b M/s 2 ∑A8Engine Specifications General information Engine Subaru 9.0 HP gasoline engine Trowel ComponentsInitial Servicing Engine ComponentsAssembly and Installation Assembly and installationHandle Tube Installation Vibratory T-Handle Bar PlacementPitch Cable Installation Safety Stop Switch ConnectionFlat Handle forward for no pitch blades flatInspection Before StartingEngine Oil Check Belt Check Gearbox OilBelt Guard Check Fuel CheckOperation Inspection/operationLifting the Trowel Onto a Slab Lifting BaleOperation Starting the EnginePlace the engine fuel valve lever in the on position Choke Lever Open Testing the Centrifugal Safety Stop SwitchConcrete Finishing Techniques To Begin TrowelingPitching the Blades Standard Handle Pitching the Blades Quick Pitch HandleManeuvering the Trowel Maneuvering the TrowelStopping The Engine Place the safety stop switch in the OFF positionCombo Blades OptionsClip-On Float Blades Optional Float Discs OptionalQuick Pitch Handle Optional Trowel Arm Adjustment Tool OptionalMaintenance Engine Air Cleaner General CleanlinessEngine check Spark Plug Engine oilBelt Never use a spark plug of incorrect heat rangeBlade Pitch Adjustment Procedure Spark arrester cleaningBushings or bent trowel arms Spider removalChanging blades Trowel arm removalRemove the trowel arm from the spider plate Checking trowel arm straightness Trowel arm Lever adjustmentEnsure the fixture arm is in the up position Shaft and the test surfaceInstalling Pans Onto Finisher Blades ReAssemblyLONG-TERM Storage Troubleshooting engine TroubleshootingAir cleaner dirty? Clean or replace air cleaner Or malfunctioning? Or replace switch if necessary Troubleshooting Walk-behind Trowel Wiring Diagram Page Explanation of Code in Remarks Column Suggested Spare Parts To 3 UnitsBelt A-28 Nameplate and Decals 23699 2369823700 36099Standard Handle Assy 0786 a 07861116 NUT, Brass JAM 5/16-18 1665 SCREW, HHC 3/8-16 X 3233 20285Quick-pitch Handle ASSY. option 1717 1116 NUT, Brass JAM 5/16-18 1665 SCREW, HHC 3/8-16 X 17151718 20389Guard Ring Assy 0205 SCREW, HHC 3/8-16 X 1391 2197310024 NUT, Nyloc 1/4-20 21894 21979Requires 26 OZ .8 Liters Gearbox Lubricant for Operation Gearbox Assy0131 a SCREW, HHC 1/4-20 X 3/4 12876 075320395 RING, 2 8032 N 20466 20465Engine Assy 1475 229961488 12287 SCREW, THP 1/4- 20 X 3/4 SS 2198414 1 Spider Assy0166 a 0164 B1157 a 1161-1Detail a Stabilizer ring Assy1237 14771483 Blade Assy 21906 02011434 EX27 crankcase assy 20# 2371420203 279101061126# 2771601001 30$ 0440300160EX27 crankshaft assy 0180180010 27920901610323030010 2072600103EX27 muffler assy 2773510103 27931601210240060030 34% 2773860103EX27 air cleaner assy 2793272008 510 27932615702793265018 2793264318EX27 governor assy 2774220133 27942301532794270111 2774280123EX27 blower assy 0732005820 27951202010110060030 2795271111EX27 Recoil Starter assy 2265071608 210 27950301202775012108 2795011008EX27 fuel tank assy 0732005181 27960102112799511203 X430440161EX27 carburetor assy 210-1# 210210-2# 210-3#EX27 ignition coil assy 2797943001 279792310127773101H1 100 0650140150EX27 oil sensor assy 740 0010406140 700 2797630151770 2797550123 775 0152060050FrEighT pOlicy Terms and Conditions of Sale PartsPage HERE’S HOW to GET Help