Mattel B-Book manual Fab Subtraction, Operation Math, Multiplication Madness, Division Diva

Page 13

BP68 Manual us 2006.4.19 1:34 PM Page 13

(09) Fab Subtraction

Complete the equation.

1.Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys.

2.The answer is submitted from left to right by default. You can use

the arrow keys to change the direction of entry.

(10)Operation Math

Select the correct operation sign for the equation.

1.Using the arrow keys, choose an operation sign and press

the button to complete the equation.

2.You can also press the signs on the keyboard to answer.

(11)Multiplication Madness

Complete the equation.

1.Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys.

2.The answer is submitted from left to right by default. You can use

the arrow keys to change the direction of entry.

(12)Division Diva

Complete the equation.

1.Work out the answer to the equation and type it in using the number keys.

2.The answer is submitted from left to right by default. You can use

the arrow keys to change the direction of entry.

(13)More or Less

Find the equation with the larger and smaller value.

1.Listen to the instruction prompt and find the equation with either the larger or smaller value.







Image 13
Contents For Ages 5 & Up Dear Parent/Guardian Table of Contents Unit ChapterUnit Getting Started Battery InstallationAC Adaptor Connection Auto-off Storage & CareGame Rules and Selection Game SelectionLevels AttemptsTime Limit LanguageUseful Features and Controls Activities Word Mix em Up Word SeekPuppy Chase Math Flower PowerLetter Maze Spelling QueenOperation Math Fab SubtractionMultiplication Madness Division DivaSpeed Sums MemoryDolphin Daze Double TroubleMemory Dance Shape RaceHide N Seek Shopping Blitz LogicCheer Up Next TrendMusic GamesRock Out Melody GrooveNo display TroubleshootingBlack-out screen or abnormal display Oregon Scientific, Inc BP68 Manual us 2006.4.19 134 PM Partir de los 5 años Queridos Padres Capítulo Capítulo Problemas FrecuentesMatemáticas MemoriaUnidad Portátil Manual de Instrucciones CapítuloDetalles del Exterior Instalación de las baterías Iniciando la UnidadConexión del Adaptador AdvertenciaApagado Automático Limpieza y MantenimientoReglas de Juego y Modo de Selección Selección del JuegoNiveles IntentosLímite de Tiempo IdiomaControles y Utilidades Actividades Vocabulario Ordena las Letras Palabras AnimadasSopa de Letras Agarra al PerritoDeletrea Riega la Flor MatemáticasSumas Divertidas Restas SiniestrasMultiplicaciones 40 Señala la Operación43 Más o Menos Divisiones44 Cálculos Rápidos Memoria Problema DobleDelfines Saltarines Carrera de Figuras Memorias AnimadasPasos de Baile El Gato Travieso LógicaRecoge las Prendas Cadena Incompleta 52 Número LógicoLa Impostora Rompe los Ladrillos JuegosCruza el Río El Gusano GlotónToca al Compás MúsicaDisco Barbie La CompositoraPantalla en blanco Problemas FrecuentesLa pantalla permanece en negro o muestra extrañas figuras Advertencia BP68 Manual spus 2006.4.19 133 PM