Mattel B-Book manual Shape Race, Memory Dance, Hide N Seek

Page 15

BP68 Manual us 2006.4.19 1:34 PM Page 15

2.Listen carefully to the instruction prompt that tells you to select one of the words depending on when it appeared.

3.Select the word with the arrow keys and press to answer.

(18)Shape Race

Remember the order in which the shapes arrive.

1.Three shapes race across the screen.

2.Key in the order of when the shapes arrive across the screen using the correct shape buttons.

(19)Memory Dance

Remember the sequence of dance steps and repeat it.

1.A sequence of dance steps is shown. Repeat each step by pressing the arrow key that corresponds to the step.

2.If correct, the dance pattern will be repeated and an extra step will be added to the end.

3.Try to remember the dance pattern and repeat it as it is built up one step at a time.

(20)Hide N' Seek

Remember which cat has the jewelry.

1.3 cats run across the screen. One of them has a tiara and a necklace.

2.Remember which one has the jewelry, before she hides them and the cats shuffle around.

3.Use the arrow keys to select the correct cat and press to answer.





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Contents For Ages 5 & Up Dear Parent/Guardian Table of Contents Unit ChapterUnit Battery Installation Getting StartedAC Adaptor Connection Game Selection Storage & CareAuto-off Game Rules and SelectionLanguage AttemptsLevels Time LimitUseful Features and Controls Activities Word Word Seek Mix em UpPuppy Chase Spelling Queen Flower PowerMath Letter MazeDivision Diva Fab SubtractionOperation Math Multiplication MadnessDouble Trouble MemorySpeed Sums Dolphin DazeShape Race Memory DanceHide N Seek Next Trend LogicShopping Blitz Cheer UpMusic GamesRock Out Melody GrooveTroubleshooting No displayBlack-out screen or abnormal display Oregon Scientific, Inc BP68 Manual us 2006.4.19 134 PM Partir de los 5 años Queridos Padres Memoria Capítulo Problemas FrecuentesCapítulo MatemáticasUnidad Portátil Manual de Instrucciones CapítuloDetalles del Exterior Advertencia Iniciando la UnidadInstalación de las baterías Conexión del AdaptadorSelección del Juego Limpieza y MantenimientoApagado Automático Reglas de Juego y Modo de SelecciónIdioma IntentosNiveles Límite de TiempoControles y Utilidades Actividades Vocabulario Ordena las Letras Palabras AnimadasAgarra al Perrito Sopa de LetrasDeletrea Restas Siniestras MatemáticasRiega la Flor Sumas DivertidasMultiplicaciones 40 Señala la OperaciónDivisiones 43 Más o Menos44 Cálculos Rápidos Problema Doble MemoriaDelfines Saltarines Memorias Animadas Carrera de FigurasPasos de Baile Lógica El Gato TraviesoRecoge las Prendas 52 Número Lógico Cadena IncompletaLa Impostora El Gusano Glotón JuegosRompe los Ladrillos Cruza el RíoLa Compositora MúsicaToca al Compás Disco BarbieProblemas Frecuentes Pantalla en blancoLa pantalla permanece en negro o muestra extrañas figuras Advertencia BP68 Manual spus 2006.4.19 133 PM