Mattel B-Book manual Attempts, Levels, Time Limit, Language

Page 8

BP68 Manual us 2006.4.19 1:34 PM Page 8

The category selection menu will scroll to the next one every 5 sec. Press

to select the category you would like to play. You can also use the arrow keys to scroll through the selections. All the games under a category are listed in

the game selection menu, use the arrow keys to scroll through the selections

and press to play. You can also use the button as a short cut. Refer to the game list and enter the game code for the game you want to play.


For most games you will have three attempts for each question. The B-BookTMLearning Laptop will reveal the correct answer after three incorrect attempts. If there is no input after 30 seconds, the B-BookTMLearning Laptop

will repeat the instruction prompt.


Some of the activities have different levels. If you score 80 points or more at the end of a round of 10 questions, you will go to the next higher level of difficulty. If you score less than 50 points, you will go to an easier level. After each question, you will be shown the score screen so you can see how well you

are doing. When you successfully finish all levels in a game, a BarbieTM reward animation will play and a “PLAY AGAIN?” screen will appear. Select “YES” or press the letter Y if you would like to play the game again. To

play another game, select “NO” or press the letter N to exit the game.

Time Limit

For most games, you have one minute to answer each question.


The B-BookTMLearning Laptop has 2 playing modes: English or Spanish activities.

Press the button to switch between Spanish or English activities.


Image 8
Contents For Ages 5 & Up Dear Parent/Guardian Table of Contents Chapter UnitUnit AC Adaptor Connection Battery InstallationGetting Started Storage & Care Auto-offGame Rules and Selection Game SelectionAttempts LevelsTime Limit LanguageUseful Features and Controls Activities Word Puppy Chase Word SeekMix em Up Flower Power MathLetter Maze Spelling QueenFab Subtraction Operation MathMultiplication Madness Division DivaMemory Speed SumsDolphin Daze Double TroubleHide N Seek Shape RaceMemory Dance Logic Shopping BlitzCheer Up Next TrendGames MusicMelody Groove Rock OutBlack-out screen or abnormal display TroubleshootingNo display Oregon Scientific, Inc BP68 Manual us 2006.4.19 134 PM Partir de los 5 años Queridos Padres Capítulo Problemas Frecuentes CapítuloMatemáticas MemoriaCapítulo Unidad Portátil Manual de InstruccionesDetalles del Exterior Iniciando la Unidad Instalación de las bateríasConexión del Adaptador AdvertenciaLimpieza y Mantenimiento Apagado AutomáticoReglas de Juego y Modo de Selección Selección del JuegoIntentos NivelesLímite de Tiempo IdiomaControles y Utilidades Actividades Vocabulario Palabras Animadas Ordena las LetrasDeletrea Agarra al PerritoSopa de Letras Matemáticas Riega la FlorSumas Divertidas Restas Siniestras40 Señala la Operación Multiplicaciones44 Cálculos Rápidos Divisiones43 Más o Menos Delfines Saltarines Problema DobleMemoria Pasos de Baile Memorias AnimadasCarrera de Figuras Recoge las Prendas LógicaEl Gato Travieso La Impostora 52 Número LógicoCadena Incompleta Juegos Rompe los LadrillosCruza el Río El Gusano GlotónMúsica Toca al CompásDisco Barbie La CompositoraLa pantalla permanece en negro o muestra extrañas figuras Problemas FrecuentesPantalla en blanco Advertencia BP68 Manual spus 2006.4.19 133 PM