Prima ID Card Printer manual Create new area

Page 15

Ultra Electronics Card Systems

After clicking on the area button the following window appears:

Create new area:

Simply click and draw rectangle area while pressing CTRL button, for editing click on the field you want to resize or/and move.

15 Magicard Prima Driver Manual

Image 15
Contents Prima Driver Manual Magicard Prima Printer Driver Manual Table of contents Technical Support Legal and Copyright InformationInstallation Printer Driver Installation Under WIN 2000 and XP Ultra Electronics Card Systems Advanced Printer Configuration Ultra Electronics Card Systems Layout and SET-UP Enabling Front and Reverse Side Printing Printing PreferencesUltra Electronics Card Systems Peel OFF Panel Introduction Definition of Special Colours to be Printed on the K- Plane Selection of Black & White Images to Print on K-PLANEDefinition of Areas for Printing on the K-PLANE Create new area Preview of Defined Sample K-PANEL Areas Peel OFF Panel Area Definition Measurement ChangesPeel OFF Area Enabled Definition of Areas for USE of Peel OFF Preview of Defined Sample PO Panel Areas Advanced Menu Offsets and Synchronisation Sample of Magstripe Encoding Dispatcher Program Delete Printer Settings Options TAB Printer Group Definitions Creation of Printer Groups Group is Deleted from Windows this is Section LUT Section Password