Pressure Systems user manual Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual

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Pressure Systems, Inc.

Model 9046 User’s Manual



Description: The firmware of any module, once fully initialized after Reset (or power-on), continuously scans and converts data for all Primary (Temperature/Resistance) Transducers at the highest possible speed. The result of such scanning is a continuously updated EU data buffer, available to three concurrent host data delivery tasks, or available to other standard data acquisition commands in the module. Each host delivery task can grab engineering-unit data values from the EU data buffer and deliver them to the host in its own programmable data stream (a sequence of packets (or scans) that autonomously arrive in the host, as long as the host maintains enough socket buffering space to accept them). Other data (e.g., UTR Temperature data for TC sensors and Source Voltage for other sensors) are scanned and buffered at a slower rate by a separate Thermal Update task (with its own command configurable scan rate) inside the firmware. These data are also available to the three stream delivery tasks, but should practically be sent only by the slowest stream.

Special augments of this command, called sub-commands (distinguished by the first parameter ii) can configure each data stream with the particular channels whose data are delivered, the datum format, the delivery rate, and other characteristics. The sub-command can also start, stop, or undefine a single stream or all defined streams, or change the delivery protocol.

The maximum rate of any one stream’s delivery is practically limited to the maximum possible scan and data conversion rate of all the module’s channels. Normally, these programmable host streams deliver host data at rates equal to or slower than this natural cycle. For a typical application, the first stream delivers a few channels at a high rate as defined by a hardware trigger. The second stream delivers other channels at a medium rate (some multiple of the trigger), and the third stream can deliver still other channels at a slow rate (a larger multiple of the trigger). In another application, the three streams might all be programmed to deliver all the same channels, but the first stream might deliver Temperature/ Resistance data (i.e., Primary Transducer EU data only) at high speed. The second stream might deliver these same data as counts or volts, but at a slower rate. The third stream might deliver UTR/Volts data (i.e., Other Thermal Update Task data) in all forms (EU, counts, volts) at a very slow rate. Thermal Alarm status may also be returned as a special (bit map) prefix to any configured stream.

NUSS uses various forms of the ’c’ command to configure (and

Note control) up to three autonomous data streams in each module. See the similar note after the description of the ’c 00’ sub-command below for the default contents of each stream that NUSS configures automatically for each Model 9046 module. When you use the NUSS ’Run’ function, you unleash these streams, which are then processed by (and displayed on) the Run form’s data fields. Note that only the EU data is displayed by default. Other voltage and A/D count data items are acquired whether or not they are displayed, but can be displayed (on a per channel basis) via several pop-up forms that appear if you click a channel’s units or name field. Note: After changing any of module’s transducer Sensor Types or any Run form display formats, you must use the ’Forget’ function (on module’s Context menu) before you can see the results of the change.

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Contents Model Ethernet Intelligent Temperature Scanner User’s Manual Page Table of Contents Our Warranty Merchandise Return ProceduresOur Company Technical SupportWebsite and E-Mail Our Firmware Our Publication Disclaimer This page left intentionally blank Introduction GeneralIntroduction Physical Description Exploded View of ModuleTheory of Operation Thermocouple Cold Junction CompensationSetup Instructions Open Circuit DetectionEquipment Required Computer Preparation Network Dialog BoxTCP/IP Properties Dialog Box Module Connection Cable ConnectionsPressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual IP Address Assignment Network Status ScreenNetwork Status after connection ConfigureNetwork Options Pulldown Menu Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Set Sensor Type Sensor Type Values Thermocouple Reference Temperature Alarms Read Sensor TypeC05 Set Temperature Units Read Temperature UnitsWrite EU Filter Parameter V0110b ddV00152 Read EU Filter Parameter U00152Calibration H0001 V00100U00100 W08Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Sensor Type Gain Setting Engineering Va, Vb Units FirmwareDescription of Operation Voltage ThermocoupleResistance ThermistorUpdating the Firmware This page intentionally blank Command Set Command Quick ReferencePressure Systems, Inc.Model 9046 User’s Manual Summary Information About All Commands Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual No Operation Command ’A’ Reset Command ’B’ Read Primary Transducer Volts Command ’V’ PurposeVppppf Dddd.. ddddV11110 999999 -4.989500 0.005390Read Primary Transducer A/D Counts Command ’a’ A11110 32767.000000 -32700.000000 10.000000 Read Primary Transducer E. U. Data at High Speed Command ’b’ Aaaabbbbcccc..ppppNuss does not use this command normally. You may execute it Define/Control Autonomous Host Streams Command ’c’ Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Read response 00 1 000F 0 1 7 0 c 00 2 00F0 0 2 7 0 c 00 3 FF00 0 4 7 Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Command ’c’- Sub-command Index 01 Start Streams Example Command ’c’- Sub-command Index 02 Stop Streams SpaceExample Command ’c’- Sub-command Index 03 Clear Streams 02 0 c 03 3 c 01Pressure Systems, Inc Model 9046 User’s Manual Command ’c’ Sub-command Index 04 Return Stream Information CharacterDescription Ffff 0 20 7 32000 1 7002 Groups Enable Primary Transducer Temperature/Resistance Enable UTR Temperature/Other EU Data ûCEnable UTR Temperature/Other A/D Counts Enable UTR Temperature/Other Voltages05 1 Command c 06 st pro remport ipaddr 06 0 1 06 0Nuss does not normally use this command since it generates This page intentionally left blank Appendix a Cable Diagrams Model 9046 Ethernet Interface CableModel 9046 Ethernet Interface Cable Headquarters/Factory European Office