Step Nine: Install PCI Card Software
Prior to installing the MAGMA PCI Expansion System, you should be familiar with the installation procedures for the PCI cards that you are installing in the expansion system. Some PCI card manufacturers recommend that you install their software driver(s) prior to installing the hardware. If this is the case, you should install their driver before you connect and power up the expansion chassis. You may be required to reboot before connecting the expansion chassis.
Your computer should now recognize any PCI devices you have installed in the expansion system and prompt you to load drivers and/or software if you have not done so already. Install PCI device software following the manufacturers recommendations.
You will most likely be prompted to Shut Down and Reboot your system several times during PCI device installation. Please be patient, each Shut Down and Reboot does serve a purpose and is required for correct installation. If you Shut Down and Reboot when requested, it may save you from having to make a call for Technical Support.
You can verify that your computer has recognized any PCI devices installed in the expansion system by doing the following:
Windows Users:
Go to the Device Manager and choose ‘View by Connection’. You should be able to see all devices installed in the expansion system by locating the PCI standard
Macintosh Users:
Mac OS X: Go to the Apple System Profiler and look under Devices. You should be able to see all devices installed in the expansion system by locating the
Chapter 2 Installation Guide | 25 |