PCI Card Conflicts
If you determine that one PCI card is interfering with the operation of another card, first try reorganizing the cards on the motherboard. Moving the cards around can change the order in which the cards are configured by the system during
Power-OnSequenceforAdvanced Configurations
As previously stated in Chapter 2 Hardware Installation, it remains necessary to power up ALL Expansions Systems BEFORE you turn on the computer. This will ensure that your
Obviously, the reverse also remains true for shutting your system down. The computer must be shut off BEFORE you attempt to turn off your Expansion System(s).
Troubleshooting AdvancedConfigurations
When trying to troubleshoot problems with PCI cards in a multiple expansion system configuration, it is vital to correctly determine the nature of the problem. Therefore, the first task is to identify the card or chassis having a problem by using the Windows Device Manager, or Apple System Profiler. Refer to the first part of this Appendix for more information on identifying hierarchical levels in multiple expansion system configurations.
42Appendix B Need More Slots?