The CPU Power Save Mode parameter will reduce the amount of power drawn by the Ethernet Adapter during operation. This is a useful feature for customer who are powering the Ethernet Adapter with a battery.
Enabling the CPU Power Save Mode will reduce the Ethernet Adapter’s rate of data transfer.
The Ethernet Adapter’s serial port supports three Echo Modes when configuring the unit through a terminal session: None, Simple, and Terminal. When set to None, the Ethernet Adapter will not echo typed characters to the terminal screen. When set to either Simple or Terminal, all characters typed are echoed to the screen during a terminal session. The Ethernet Adapter is set to Terminal mode by default. This parameter will only affect the appearance of data within the configuration menu; it plays no role in normal operation.
The Ethernet Adapter configuration menu contains several parameters that are not needed for normal operation. A pass- word is needed to enable Technical Support Access to view these settings.
If you call Proxim Technical Support, they may ask you to enable the Technical Support parameters, but, in general, you will not need to access these parameters.