SOYO SY-P4VM800 Quick Start Guide
3.12 Load Optimal Defaults
This option opens a dialog box to ask if you are sure to install optimized defaults or not. You press <Y>, and then <Enter>, the Setup Utility loads all default values; or press <N>, and then <Enter>, the Setup Utility does not load default values.
Note: Itishighlyrecommendthatusersenterthisoptiontoloadoptimaldefaultvaluesfor accessingthebestperformance.
3.13 Save Changes and Exit
Highlight this item and press <Enter> to save the changes that you have made in the Setup Utility configuration. When the Save Changes and Exit dialog box appears, press Y to save and exit, or press N to return to the main menu.
3.14 Discard Changes and Exit
Highlight this item and press <Enter> to discard any changes that you have made in the Setup Utility and exit the Setup Utility. When the Discard Changes and Exit dialog box appears, press <Y> to discard changes and exit, or press <N> to return to the main menu.
Note: Ifyouhavemadesettingsthatyoudonotwanttosave,usethe"DiscardChanges andExit"itemandpress<Y>todiscardanychangesyouhavemade.