3.2Understanding the Operating Parameters
Device Type
You will need to select the device type to “Serial Interface” from Appendix A, Group 1 of Appendix D, or the following label.
Serial Interface
Baud Rate, Parity and Data Bit:
These parameters set the scanner’s communication protocol that must be matched by the host. The default setting for the serial interface is 9600 baud rate, none parity, and 8 data bit.
*Baud Rate can be 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400 bps.
*Parity can be even, odd, space, mark, or none.
*Data Bit can be 7 or 8 bit long.
The scanner may not support settings with Data Bit as 7 and Parity as none combination. Such combination is treated as 7 data bits with MARK parity.
The scanner supports CTS/RTS handshaking as an option. The hardware handshaking is supported on
During the communication, the scanner will stop sending data until the CTS is valid within time specified by the Time Out parameter. During this
--If CTS is valid, communication resumes.
--If CTS is not valid, the scanner sounds an error beep and discards the current buffered data.
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