30Using the Open Provisioning Interface
The Provisioning Server authenticates each request to ensure that the request is received from a valid client application. The client application needs to provide a user identity (user name) and authentication information (password) in the HTTP/SOAP request.
The supported authentication mechanisms are HTTP Basic Authentication
– Onboard Authentication and
•"HTTP Basic Authentication – Onboard Authentication" (page 30)
HTTP Basic Authentication – Onboard Authentication
The username and password of the user are configured in the HTTP Headers. The following figure shows a sample HTTP header/SOAP message with the required information.
Figure 7
Sample HTTP header/SOAP message
WS-Security UsernameToken
The user’s username and password are configured in the WS Security Headers. A sample
Nortel AS 5300
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
11 June 2008
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