across these categories. Upon creation, the administrator is assigned to a particular role. This enables the service provider to create various administrator roles to suit specific needs. In each category, the role can have any combination of the following rights: Read, Write, and Delete. For example, a user admin role can be created which gives the ability to read domain information, and to read, modify, and delete user information. The administrators given this role cannot manipulate the telephony routes, or other areas of the AS 5300 system. OPI authorizes each request to verify that the incoming credentials have the appropriate role to perform the given action.
Third-party client development
This section describes the steps necessary to develop
Provisioning clients.
OPI provides
AS 5300 provisioning system. The customer application passes an object to a generated stub. The stub translates the object into a SOAP message and passes it to the skeleton in the Provisioning Manager. The skeleton translates the SOAP message back to an object, and sends it to the Provisioning Manager data access processes. The data access processes communicate with the Oracle Database. The translations happen in reverse from the Provisioning Manager to the customer application.
•"Get the WSDL" (page 33)
•"Generate stubs" (page 33)
•"Implement interface accessing stubs" (page 34)
•"Access stubs from the
Get the WSDL
The WSDL file for AS 5300 is stored on the System Manager server. Retrieve the file from the loads directory on the System Manager server, located at /var/mcp/loads/<loadname>/clientAPI/wsdl/opi/*
Generate stubs
The stub is a translator. It takes the OPI object, converts it to a SOAP message and sends it to the Provisioning Manager. Likewise, a SOAP message from the Provisioning Manager is translated back to an OPI object. HTTP and HTTPS are used as the transport for OPI. The Provisioning Module listens on port 8080 for the SOAP over HTTP messages, and port 8443 for the SOAP over HTTPS messages.
Nortel AS 5300
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
11 June 2008
Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks