Importing a CA Certificate into the BPT
Use this procedure to import a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate into the opitruststore.
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1Copy the NorlockPKI.cer certificate file to the D:\temp folder.
2Open a command prompt in the DOS window.
3Enter the following command (on one line):
The tool presents details about the certificate and gives the fingerprint of the certificate for validation.
The tool prompts: Trust this certificate? [no]:
4If the certificate is correct, enter: yes
If the certificate is not correct, enter: nO
5To verify that the certificate is now in the BPT trust store, enter the following command (on one line):
keytool -list -v -keystore opitruststore
The tool displays the contents of the BPT trust store.
Nortel AS 5300
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
11 June 2008
Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks