Writing a client to perform some specific OPI operations 43
This creates the client stubs under D:\opiclient\com\clien
The stubs contain all the provisioning methods that are exposed by the OPI web service, and the same methods that can be seen in the WSDL.
The arguments provided to these provisioning methods are generated in the directory D:\opiclient\com\nortelnet works\ims\opi.
All the OPI provisioning methods are Java Bean objects and are used to configure and retrieve data for different functionality. Each element in the data object is of a type specified in the OPI.
The name space mapping from OPI to com.client.opi.serv ice can be changed to another mapping.
Attention: The OPISoapBindingStub.java file, generated under com\client\opi\service, has a large static block that will not compile. You must edit this file by hand to split the large static block into two or three smaller ones so that it compiles. This is a known issue due to the fact that the code is automatically generated.
3Compile the files that are generated in the previous step using either the command line command javac or an Interactive Development Environment (IDE) such as netbeans or eclipse, and save them in a separate folder.
The Client classes are now ready to be used.
Writing a client to perform some specific OPI operations
Use this procedure to write a client to perform some specific OPI operations.
Once the OPI stubs have been generated and compiled, the real OPI client can be constructed and OPI provisioning method calls can be made using the following procedure.
Procedure Steps
Step Action
1Instantiate the OPIServiceLocator.
Nortel AS 5300
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
11 June 2008
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