Filters and QoS Configuration for ERS 5500 |
Technical Configuration Guide | v2.0 |
The following table displays all various bucket size and duration values available using the committed and maximum burst values used in this example.
Table 8: Meter Bucket Size and Duration
| Value to enter |
Bucket Size | Max burst rate | Committed rate | Duration | (mSec) |
4,096 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.0065536 | 7 |
8,192 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.0131072 | 13 |
16,384 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.0262144 | 26 |
32,768 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.0524288 | 52 |
65,536 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.1048576 | 105 |
131,072 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.2097152 | 210 |
262,144 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.4194304 | 419 |
524,288 | 15000000 | 10000000 | 0.8388608 | 839 |
1,048,576* | 15000000 | 10000000 | 1.6777216 | 1678 |
2,097,152* | 15000000 | 10000000 | 3.3554432 | 3355 |
8,388,608* | 15000000 | 10000000 | 13.4217728 | 13422 |
* ERS5530 10GE only
5.3 Interface Shaper
When configuring interface shaping, the shape rate, burst rate, and burst duration can be configured using the following command:
QoS interface shaping parameters:
Parameter | Description |
<portlist> | Ports to configure shaping parameters. |
<WORD> | Specify name for |
Shaping rate in kilobits/sec; range is | |
| |
Maximum burst rate in kilobits/sec; range is | |
| |
Maximum burst duration in milliseconds; range is 1 to 4294967295 ms. | |
When configuring interface shaping on an interface, please note the following:
•The maximum burst rate cannot be configured the same as the shape rate. You must always specify a higher maximum burst rate than the shape rate
•The maximum burst rate and burst duration is used to calculate the bucket size or committed burst in bytes
•The maximum burst rate and burst duration is used to calculate the bucket size or committed burst in bytes
oDuration = ((bucketSize*8) /
•Bucket sizes in bytes are 4K, 8K, 16k, 32K, 64K, 128K, 256K, and 512K
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