40Starting Device Manager
Device Manager window for a Metro ESU 1800 switch
Device Manager window for a Metro ESU 1850 switch
Opening a device using the Open Last option
Use this procedure to view or select a device from a list of available devices with the Open Last option in Device Manager.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1From the abbreviated Device Manager window menu bar, choose Device > Open Last.
2Choose the IP address or system name of the device that you want to open. The Open Device dialog box for that device opens.
If you are not able to open a device in Device Manager, see "Switch fails to open in Device Manager" (page 76) for information about how to troubleshoot the problem.
To delete devices from the Open Last Device List, choose Device > Open Last > Edit. The Devices dialog box opens. Highlight the device that you want to remove from the list and click Delete.
Nortel Metro Ethernet Routing Switch 8600
Fundamentals — Using Device Manager
4.21 October 2007
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