DSL-604+ ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide
When the Router is used to provide Internet access it actually must first access your service provider’s network, that is, it must communicate with computers and other routers owned by your service provider. These computers and routers then provide access to the Internet. The Router must be configured to communicate with the systems that give it access to the larger network. There are different methods or protocols used to make this communication possible, and both ends of the communication must agree on what method to use and how to set up the connection. This is what you will configure the Router to do, to agree with the service provider’s equipment and negotiate the terms of the connection using a language or protocol that both sides understand.
Sometimes it is also necessary to configure settings that control the actual ADSL connection. The ADSL connection is what actually carries the data from one point to the other. So in addition to telling the Router what method it must use, you may also be asked change the PVC (Permanent Virtual Channel) settings. These settings are defined by two number the VPI (Virtual Path Indicator) and the VCI (Virtual Channel Indicator).
All the information you need to make the changes needed for a functioning WAN connection should have been provided to you by your ISP or network service provider.
To configure the WAN connection, open the Multiple PVC menu and perform the steps listed below. Some of the settings do not need to be changed when you first set up the device but can be changed later if you choose.
1Leave Select Index to set at 1.
2Type in an Item Name in the space provided. Or just use the default name ISP1.
3Do not change the VPI or VCI values unless you are required to do so. If these settings are incorrect, the ADSL connection will not function. Many users will be able to use the default settings. If you are told to change these, type in the values given to you by your service provider.
4Select the Encapsulation method used for your connection. The options available are PPPoA VC mux, PPPoA LLC, PPPoE LLC, IPoA VC mux, IPoA LLC, Bridge VC mux or Bridge LLC. The default Encapsulation is PPPoA LLC. If you select an IPoA or Bridge Encapsulation, the user changeable variables displayed in the browser will change. These different variables are described in step 5.1 – 5.3.
5The remaining settings that must be configured are different for the different Encapsulations.
5.1If you have selected a PPPoE or PPPoA Encapsulation you must supply a User Name and Password used to verify the identity of your account. Type in the User Name and Password used for your PPP connection. Also select the Authentication method used, pap or chap, choose Enabled for Connect On Demand and leave the Idle Time setting at 0.
5.2If you have selected a IPoA Encapsulation, you must choose whether to enable or disable the IP Unnumbered option. The option is enabled by default. If you are instructed to leave this enabled, go to step 6. If you are told to disable the IP Unnumbered option, you must supply the global IP settings used for your account. In this case type in the IP Address and select the Subnet Mask from the drop down menu and go to step 6.
5.3If you have selected a Bridge Encapsulation, there are no more change needed to establish the WAN connection for the Router. However, you will probably have to install some sort of connection software on your computer. Go to step 6 and finalize the Router configuration, then install any additional software. Follow the instructions given to you by your ISP or network service provider.
6Click the Add button when you have entered all the information. The web browser will briefly go blank. After a few seconds the PVC profile listed in the Existing Entry Table at the top of the web page will show the changes you just configured.
Click the Apply button located to the right of the Existing Entry Table. After a few second you will be prompted to save the changes and restart or continue to make other changes to the Router’s configuration. Leave the Save and Restart option selected and click the OK button. The Router will save the WAN configuration settings and restart. After restarting it will begin to negotiate the connection. You can login to the web manager again and you should see the Router’s Connection Status at the bottom of the web page. When this indicates the Router is Connected you can access the Internet or continue to configure the Router.