Authentication Used to authenticate the device with a SIP server. This field accepts only letters, digits, hyphen and underscore and can be a maximum of 30 Password: characters.
User Parameter: This feature will be supported in future releases.
Outbound Proxy: This is useful in traversing a firewall.
Server Address: Enter the IP address or domain name of the outbound proxy server. This is the address where SIP messages will be sent. Port: Enter the outbound proxy server port in this field.
Local Port: This is the port used by device to send and receive the SIP messages. Default: 5060.
Use DNS/SRV: If this feature is enabled the device uses DNS/SRV records to find the port on which SIP service are running for the configured SIP domain name. If it is disabled it will connect directly to the configured server port.
Subscribe for Message This feature will be supported in future release.
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