Appendix B
How to Install and Access USB Storage
4.In the Display Name field, enter a display name that will appear in the Shared Folder table of the Disk screen.
Shared Folder Screen
5.Select a folder name to share. To see a sub- folder, click Enter into Folder. To return to the previous folder, click Return to Upper Folder.
To create a new folder, enter a name in the New Folder field, and then click Create.
6.In the Access section, select a group. Then select the right arrows (>>) to allow access by a group, or select the left arrows (<<) to block access from a group. (These access rights apply to the shared folder you have created.) To add more groups, go to the Storage > Administration screen.
7.On the Shared Folder screen, click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel Changes to cancel your changes. Click Close to close the screen.
How to Create a User Group
1.Click the Storage tab.
2.Click the Administration tab.
3.In the Group Management section, click Create New Group.
Storage > Administration
4.The Group Account screen appears. In the Group Name field, enter a name for the new group.
Group Account
5.In the Description field, enter a description for the new group.
6.From the Access
7.On the Group Account screen, click Save Settings to save the new changes, or click Cancel Changes to cancel the changes. Click Close to close the screen.
8.On the Administration screen, click Save Settings to apply your changes, or click Cancel Changes to cancel your changes.
How to Create a User Account
1.Click the Storage tab.
2.Click the Administration tab.
3.In the User Management section, click Create New User.
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