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To setup the SNMP management account you must specify the management system IP address and the "community string" or password that the particular management system uses to access the switch. The wizard automatically assigns the highest access level [Privilege Level 15] to this account. You can use Dell Network Manager or other management interfaces to change this setting later, and to add additional management system later. For more information on adding management systems, see the user documentation.

To add a management station:

Please enter the SNMP community string to be used:[MYSETUPWIZARD] >> Dell Network Manager

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Now we need to setup your initial privilege (Level 15) user account. This account is used to login to the CLI and Web interface. You may setup other accounts and change privilege levels later. For more information on setting up user accounts and changing privilege levels, see the user documentation.

To setup a user account:

Please enter the user name:

Please enter the user password:

Please reenter the user password:




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35XX specifications

The Dell 35XX series has emerged as a prominent choice for users seeking reliable, versatile desktop solutions, particularly suited for small and medium-sized businesses and home offices. This series combines advanced technology with user-friendly design, making it an excellent option for various computing needs.

One of the key features of the Dell 35XX series is its powerful performance capabilities. It is equipped with Intel's latest processors, including options for the Core i3, i5, and i7, providing users with the ability to handle multiple applications and demanding workloads with ease. The configuration options range from entry-level to high-performance models, catering to a wide spectrum of users, from basic office tasks to graphic design and data analysis.

The design of the Dell 35XX is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Its compact form factor allows for efficient use of desk space without sacrificing performance. The chassis is built for durability, ensuring that the system can withstand the rigors of daily use. Additionally, the efficient thermal management system helps maintain optimal operating temperatures, prolonging the longevity of the components.

In terms of memory and storage, the Dell 35XX series supports significant expansion. Users can configure systems with up to 32GB of DDR4 RAM, which enhances multitasking capabilities, while a variety of storage options, including traditional HDDs and faster SSDs, provide ample space and improved performance. The flexibility in storage options allows users to tailor their machines to their specific needs, whether that involves extensive data storage or faster boot and load times.

The Dell 35XX also emphasizes connectivity, featuring a range of ports that include USB 3.1, HDMI, and Ethernet ports, ensuring seamless integration with various peripherals and networks. Furthermore, modern wireless capabilities like Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) are often included, enhancing connectivity options and improving overall network performance.

Security is another critical aspect of the Dell 35XX series. It often comes with integrated features such as TPM 2.0, ensuring data encryption and protection against unauthorized access. Dell also provides software solutions, including Dell Data Protection and SupportAssist, which help maintain system health and enhance security.

In conclusion, the Dell 35XX series stands out as a robust desktop solution, combining powerful performance, expandability, connectivity options, and security features. Its thoughtful design and versatile configurations make it an ideal choice for professionals seeking dependable computing solutions in today’s fast-paced digital environment. As technology continues to evolve, the Dell 35XX remains a relevant option for those who value performance and reliability.