ਃࡼ੠䜡㕂䆒໛ 41
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If the information is correct, please select (Y) to save the
configuration, and copy to the start-up configuration file. If the
information is incorrect, select (N) to discard configuration and
restart the wizard: [Y/N]˄བᵰֵᙃℷ⹂ˈ䇋䗝ᢽ [Y] ֱ䜡㕂ˈᑊᇚ݊ࠊࠄਃ
ࡼ䜡㕂᭛ӊDŽབᵰֵᙃϡℷ⹂ˈ䇋䗝ᢽ [N] ϶ᓗ䜡㕂ˈৢ䞡ᮄਃࡼᇐ˖[Y/N]˅
ܹ [N] 䖛ҹ䞡ᮄਃࡼ䆹ᇐDŽ
ܹ [Y] ᅠ៤ᅝ㺙ᇐDŽ㋏㒳ᇚᰒ⼎ҹϟݙᆍ˖
Thank you for using Dell Easy Setup Wizard. You will now enter CLI
mode.˄ᛳ䇶ᙼՓ⫼ Dell ㅔᯧᅝ㺙ᇐDŽ⦄೼ᙼᇚ䖯ܹ CLI ῵ᓣDŽ˅
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PowerConnect 3500 Series User's Guide
PowerConnect 3500