3. Click OK to save the entry or Cancel to close the dialog.
Phone Book numbers are limited to 20 digits (including +) and names are limited to 18 alphanumeric characters. New entries are added to the next available SIM index position.
To Modify a number:
1.Select the number you want to modify.
2.Select Modify... in the Phone Book menu.
3.The Edit Phone Book Entry dialog opens.
4.The fields in the dialog display the current entry’s name and number.
5.Edit the information.
6.Click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.
7.If the modified entry is in the SIM Phone Book the changes are automatically sent to the SIM.
To Find Entries:
1. Select Find in the Phone Book menu.
2.The Find dialog opens. Enter the Contact Name you want to search for in the Look for field. The entry can be complete or incomplete. You can search on the First Name of the contact.
3.Click Find. The GC75 Manager searches Phone Book, when a match is found it highlights the selected contact.