RACE — lets you store car numbers and frequencies in the scanner’s channels, add and delete frequencies from car numbers, display car numbers, and listen to the channel where a car number is stored.
MAN — stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number or frequency.
PROG — stores frequencies into channels.
BAND — lets you search service banks.
SCAN — scans through stored channels.
HOLD — holds a frequency search.
DATA — turns on or off the data signal skip feature, and lets you se- quentially recall channels where car numbers and frequencies are stored during manual operation.
PRIORITY/H/S — sets and turns on and off priority for a particular chan- nel. Also turns Hypersearch on and off.
t and s — enters the search direction (down or up).
DEL — deletes the frequencies and car numbers stored in the memory.
KEYLOCK/ — locks the keypad to prevent accidental program changes. Also turns on the display light for 15 seconds.
Number Keys — each key is marked with a single digit, and has a range of numbers printed above it. The single digits are used to enter a channel or frequency. The range of numbers
CLEAR/• — erases an incorrect entry or an error, and enters a decimal point.
WX/E — selects a weather channel, and enters the frequency when you store a frequency into a channel.