Advice about using a modem
If you use a modem with a baud rate of over 9600, you may experience some limitations in your computer’s performance. To improve performance, try the following:
nTurn on
SImportant: Not all application programs support
nIf you have virtual memory turned on, turn it off. See your Macintosh User’s Guide for instructions.
Starting up your computer from an external hard disk
To start up your Macintosh from an external hard disk, the hard disk must contain a System Folder, and the System Folder must contain a System Enabler for your Macintosh. (A System Enabler file contains software necessary to start up a specific Macintosh model.)
If you are unable to start up your Macintosh from an external disk, the appropriate System Enabler file may be missing from that disk. Use the Installer program on the Install Me First disk that came with your computer to install system software on the external disk.