About This Developer Note
This developer note is a concise description of the iMac™ computer, with the emphasis on the features that are new or different from those of other Macintosh desktop computers.
This developer note is intended to help hardware and software developers design products that are compatible with the products described here. If you are not already familiar with Macintosh computers or if you would simply like additional technical information, you may wish to read the section “Supplemental Reference Documents”.
Contents of This Note
The information in this note is arranged in five chapters.
■Chapter 1, “Introduction,” introduces the iMac computer and describes its features.
■Chapter 2, “Architecture,” describes the internal logic of the computer, including the main ICs.
■Chapter 3, “Devices and Ports,” describes the I/O ports and the
■Chapter 4, “RAM Expansion,” describes the expansion features of interest to developers. It includes development guides for the RAM expansion modules.
■Chapter 5, “Software,” describes the system software that comes with the computer, with emphasis on the new Open Firmware features.