PWRON After | This item allows you to select if you want to power on the system | Power Off |
after power failure. | Power On | |
Resume by RING | Enables or disable to wake the system by ring function. | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Resume by | Enables or disable PME to generate a wake event. | Enabled |
| Disabled | |
Resume by | Enables or disable USB device wakeup from S1/S3. | Enabled |
USB(S1/S3) |
| Disabled |
Resume by PS2 | This option allows the activity of the PS2 keyboard to wake up | Enabled |
KB(S1/S3) | the system from S1/S3 status. | Disabled |
Resume by PS2 | This option allows the activity of the PS2 mouse to wake up the | Enabled |
MS(S1/S3) | system from S1/S3 status. | Disabled |
Power On RTC Alarm | Enables or Disables to wake up the system by RTC Alarm | Enabled |
| Function. | Disabled |