5.[HPOSnCi] - Set Value
This command sets the Horizontal Position to an absolute value. It also makes the Horizontal Position adjustment the active control.
Command Format: [HPOSnCiUy]
n = a value from 0 to 20
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the
There is an
6.[HPOSCi] - Status/Adjust
This command selects the Horizontal Position adjustment and makes it the active control. It is also used to return the status of the current Horizontal Position. As the active control, it may be adjusted using the [ + ] and [ - ] commands.
Command Format: [HPOSCiUy]
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the
There is an
[HPOSC4U1] 10
[HPOSC4U1] | = STATUS command |
10 | = Feedback of current value |
[ + ] & [ - ] | = Adjust as required |
7.[VPOSnCi] - Set Value
This command sets the Vertical Position to an absolute value and makes the Vertical Position adjustment the active control.
Command Format: [VPOSnCiUy]
n = a value from 0 to 20
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the
There is an
8.[VPOSCi] - Status/Adjust
This command selects the Vertical Position adjustment and makes it the active control. It also returns the status of the current Vertical Position. As the active control, it may be adjusted using the [ + ] and [ - ] commands.
Command Format: [VPOSCiUy]
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the
There is an
[VPOSC2U3] 10
[VPOSC2U3] | = STATUS/Current value |
10 | = Feedback of current value |
[ + ] & [ - ] | = Adjust as required |
9.[HSIZEnCi] - Set Value
This command sets the Horizontal Size to an absolute value and makes the Horizontal Size adjustment the active control.
Command Format: [HSIZEnCiUy]
n = a value from 0 to 20
Ci = card ID (i = slot number)
Uy = unit id (i = 0 to 9) (refer to the