fax modem A modem that allows your computer to transmit and receive faxes.
file extension A period and three characters after a file name that indicate the programme in which the file was created. For example, filename.doc. The
.doc extension indicates that the file was created in Microsoft Word.
game port A connector on the back of the computer for plugging in a gamepad, joystick, or steering wheel.
hard disk Internal storage media for permanent storage of system files, programme files, utility files, and data files.
hardware The physical components of a
HTML (hypertext markup language) The standard language for documents designed for viewing on the Web with a browser. They are easily identified by the file extension .htm or .html. See file extension.
hyperlink An embedded link to another document or Web site. When you position the cursor over a hyperlink (coloured text or image), a small hand is displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your browser displays the new document or Web site.
icon A small picture that represents a menu command, file, programme, tool, or peripheral.
Internet A worldwide collection of computer networks that are interconnected so that users can share electronic information.
ISP (Internet service provider) A company that provides access to the Internet. To use the service, you need the ISP software, a user name, a password, and access phone number(s).
maximise To enlarge the screen (or maximise the window) in a Windows- based programme by clicking the Maximise T