This command sets the ID number of the unit. The default unit ID is zero.
Command Format: [SIDn]
n = Unit ID (n = # from 0 to 99) Example:
Send the command [SID1] to the system. The unit ID is now one, and “C1” must be included at the end of each command line, as in “[VERC1]”, for only the unit with ID1 to respond.
REMEMBER: A command sent without the unit ID will be executed by all the PE1004CFs connected to the
This command resets the unit ID to the default value of zero.
Command Format: [RSI] Example:
Send the command [RSI] to the system and the new ID will be zero. As unit ID zero, commands may be sent either with or without the unit identifier “C0”.
This command reads and then displays the ID number of the unit.
Command Format: [RSN] Example:
The PE1004CF was set to an ID value of 3. Send the command [RSN] and the system will return the following feedback:
PE1004 ID#3
This command displays the firmware version and model number of the PE1004CF.
Command Format: [VERCi]
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 99)
Send the command [VER] and receive the following feedback:
PE1004CF | = Model Number |
= Firmware Version |
This command displays the status of the PE1004CF and includes the unit model number, active input and video equalization level.
Command Format: [Ci]
Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 99) Example 1: Feedback
Pioneer Video Card IN:1
Example 2: Unit ID Specific
Send the command [STATUSC1] and receive feedback showing the status of Unit ID 1.
Example 3: Any Unit
Send the command [STATUS] and receive feedback showing the status of the unit connected to the
This command is used to preform a factory reset on the unit. The default input,
Command Format: [FRESETCi] Ci = Unit ID (i = # from 0 to 99) Example:
Reset the PE1004CF with unit ID 1 to its default settings by sending the command [FRESETC1].
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