Connecting to a Camera Server
When you use the Helper Viewer to connect to a camera server and monitor, if the Helper Viewer was started up from the Web browser, it automatically connects to the camera server, but if the Helper Viewer was started up independently, you need to specify a connection target or select a registered connection target.
You can also change the connection target to another camera server while you are still connected to one camera server, or start up multiple Helper Viewers and connect each one to a different camera server.
Specifying a Connection Target and Connecting VB Package Version only
| Procedure |
| Choose Connect from the File menu. |
1 | |
| A dialog box for specifying a connection target |
| |
2 | |
| appears. Enter each item and click OK to make a |
| |
| connection to the camera server. |
■Host Name
Specify the IP address of the camera server.
■Port No.
Specify the port numbers. of the camera server. They are the values that were specified on the camera server. Normally they can be used with the default setting.
■Relay Server
If you are not connecting to a relay server, select "Not Used"; if you are connecting to a relay server, select the registered name of the relay server. Normally, leave "Not Used" selected (see p. 48).
Select whether to connect to the camera server using auto select or to connect using the
■Add to camera site
When this is selected, camera server information that was entered above is registered into the viewer, and you can view videos by simply selecting them from the selection box (see p. 29).