Black Box NBS008A manual AbRackGangPort-

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Chapter 9: MIB Path Summary and Trap Definitions

A/B Switch System SNMP Variable Definitions:


A/B Switch System gang port. This variable is used to control all A/B switch ports in the system. A system may consist of up to 255 racks, each rack containing up to 16 A/B switch ports. On a “GET” of this variable, only rack with address 0x01 will respond. If any of the A/B switch ports in rack 0x01 are at position A, the “system” status will be A. If all of the A/B switch ports in rack 0x01 are at position B, the “system” status will be B. If there are no A/B switch ports installed in rack 0x01, the “system” status will be empty.


A/B Switch Rack variable table. This variable is not directly accessible.


Switch “Rack” address. The “Rack” address is set via an eight-position dip switch. Each rack in the system MUST have a unique address, in the range of 0x01 to 0xFF hex. Address 0x00 is invalid, and must not be used. This is a read-only variable.


A/B Switch Rack gang port. This variable is used to control all A/B switch ports in a rack. A rack may contain up to 16 A/B switch ports. On a “GET” of this variable, the addressed rack will respond as follows. If any of the A/B switch ports in the addressed rack are at position A, the “rack” status will be A. If all of the A/B switch ports in the addressed rack are at position B, the “rack” status will be B. If there are no A/B switch ports installed in the addressed rack, the “rack” status will be empty.


A/B Switch Rack Key-Lock Switch Status. This is a read-only variable. This variable can be used to determine if the Key-Lock Switch is in the OFF or ON position. The front panel switches in the rack are disabled when the Key-Lock Switch is in the OFF position. The A/B Switches will still respond to switch control signals and commands from the GANG-IN and GANG-OUT ports.


A/B Switch Rack Power Status. This is a read-only variable. On the switch, there are two DC power entry connectors. If power is applied to both power entry connectors, the Power Status will report “TwoSupplies”. If power is applied to only one of the power entry connectors, the Power Status will report “One Supply Down.”


Microcontroller Software Version. This is a read-only variable, and is limited to a maximum of 14 characters.


Rack Identification String. The string is limited to a maximum of 13 characters. Although this MIB variable may be up to 14 characters long, the switch limits this variable to 13 characters.


A/B Switch Rack Status / Control. One character for each of the sixteen ports in the rack. Ports that are not populated will be represented by an X character. Characters represent Ports 1 through 16, from left to right. This variable may be used to set any or all ports in a rack with a single command. When setting, enter one character for each port in the rack, up to 16 characters. Valid characters are A, B, or X to leave a port unchanged. When set with a single character, this command functions the same as a set abSwitchPort command. When set with more than one character, this command overrides any group settings in place (see abRackGroups for more information on group settings).

NOTE: RJ-45 models that switch all 8 leads are able to do so by using a different version of switch firmware that makes use of the switch relays normally associated with ports 9 thru 16. These models force the port 9 connection state to match port 1, port 10 to match port 2, etc. The abRackCards object cannot be used to override this pre-defined grouping of ports 1 & 9, 2 & 10, 3 & 11, etc. on these models of the switch.

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Contents Pro Switching System 4 Network Backup Switches Trademarks Used in this Manual Trademarks Used in this ManualFCC and IC RFI Statements NOM Statement Table of Contents Specifications SpecificationsOverview Overview IntroductionAvailable Models What’s IncludedBack panel components Hardware DescriptionNBS008MA, NBSALL8, NBSALL8MGR, NBS016A, NBS016MA Front Panel of NBS004A, NBS004MA 16 17Front Panel of NBS006A, NBS006MA NBS006A, NBS006MA NBS006A, NBS006MA front panel componentsFront Panel of NBS008A, NBS008MA, NBSALL8, NBSALL8MGR Front Panel of NBS016A, NBS016MA Configuration ConfigurationDIP switch SW1 and SW2 settings RJ-11 GANG-OUT port pin assignment Installation InstallationOperation Manual SwitchingOperation Example Port 12 in rack 3 has port address Programming Programming Tips for Using the RS-232 Terminal CommandsBackground R6000 Console Commands Getset Pingreply ON/OFF Getset Snmpenable ON/OFFGetset Monitormac X X X X X X X = HEX Chars Getset Alerttype TRAP/SYSLOGAuto failover and manual recovery Operation Ethernet Network Interface Setup Ethernet Network Interface Setup GET ALL Console CommandsConsole Commands GET VersionGET Rack N GET Power NSET System AB SET Rack N ABGET Webpassword SET Snmpenable Onoff GET SnmpenableSET Webenable Onoff GET Webenable SET Ipaddress GET IpaddressGET Telnetpassword GET WebtimeoutSET Telnetenable Onoff GET Telnetenable GET TelnettimeoutSET Monitorinterval N GET Monitorinterval SET Authenticationtrap Onoff GET AuthenticationtrapSET Monitormac X X X X X GET Monitormac SET Monitorfailcount N GET MonitorfailcountGET Alerttype SET Adminip NGET Adminip N SET Manager NR6000 Console Commands GET ResetSET Defaults Getset Webenable ON/OFFSET Save settings for next startupRestart use after Save Web Interface Web InterfaceWeb Interface MIB Path Summary and Trap Definitions MIB Path Summary and Trap DefinitionsAbRackGangPort- AbRackKeyStat- Path Summary and Trap Definitions MIB Path Summary and Trap Definitions Syslog Messages Syslog MessagesSyslog Messages Black Box Tech Support FREE! Live /7