PAY TYPE (Quick Pick 50)
The SB-100 automatically starts your payroll
using monthly,
SUPERVISOR CODE # (Quick Pick 51)
The Time Clock uses a
is 00 00 00.
PRINTER TYPE (Quick Pick 52)
The SB-100 will directly communicate with all EPSON FX
/IBM Proprinter compatible dot matrix printers. It will also support laser printers compatible with the Hewlett Packard Laser Jet II. Both printer types must use a parallel interface. Select LASER for laser printing, or DOTMX for dot matrix. Or you can choose to print through your PC by installing the enclosed PC Reporter software.
This report prints each employee's ID, name and
hourly wage.
SET DATE & TIME (Quick Pick 54)
To change the system time:
Use to scroll the Month, Day, Year, Day of Week, Hour, and Minute. Pressing ENTER advances you from one field to another. Pressing CLEAR returns the cursor to its prior location.
SHOW OPTIONS (Quick Pick 55)
This feature shows the version of
Clock software being used on this machine.