Introduction & Contents
Programming other descriptors | 58 |
Report descriptor | 58 |
Grand total, special character | 59 |
Report title | 59 |
Machine feature program | 60 |
General control program | 60 |
Programming procedure | 60 |
Program data (by address code) | 60 |
Address code 02 (machine number) | 60 |
Address code 03 (consecutive number) | 60 |
Address code 04 (tax system) | 60 |
Address code 05 (print control for receipt) | 61 |
Address code 06 (calculation & operation control) | 61 |
Address code 08 (print control for fixed total report) | 62 |
Address code 10 (print control for taxable amount) | 62 |
Address code 14 (currency exchange control) | 63 |
Address code 15 (print control for reports) | 63 |
Address code 16 (print control for grand total) | 64 |
Address code 17 (print control) | 64 |
Address code 19 (receipt control) | 64 |
Address code 21 (message control) | 64 |
Address code 27 (clerk control) | 65 |
Address code 30 (thermal printer control) | 65 |
Address code 34 (backlight control) | 65 |
Key function program | 66 |
Department key/PLU program (Batch feature programming) | 66 |
Programming procedure | 66 |
Program data | 66 |
Department key/PLU program (Individual feature programming) | 67 |
Programming procedure | 67 |
Program data (by address code) | 68 |
Transaction key program | 69 |
Programming procedure | 69 |
Program data | 69 |
Clerk program | 72 |
Clerk number, check number programming | 72 |
Clerk other programming | 73 |
Printing read/reset reports | 74 |
To print the individual department, PLU read report | 74 |
To print daily read reports | 75 |
To print daily reset reports | 76 |
Read / reset report sample | 77 |
To print the periodic 1/2 sales read/reset reports | 80 |
Reading the cash register's program | 82 |
To print unit price/rate program (except PLU) | 82 |
To print key descriptor, name, message program (except PLU) | 82 |
To print the machine program (except PLU) | 83 |
To print the PLU unit price | 84 |
To print the PLU descriptor | 84 |
To print the PLU program | 84 |