Belkin AP20500EA3M-BLK user manual Glossary of Power Terms, Wiring OK indicator light is not lit

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Belkin Power Console


Wiring OK indicator light is not lit.

Check to make sure that the Power Console is plugged into an earthed AC wall socket. Do not use any plug adapters.

This indicates that the live and neutral (L–N) wires are reversed. Unplug the Power Console and consult an electrician.

For all other technical questions or troubleshooting issues, please contact Belkin Customer Service 00 800 22355460.

Glossary of Power Terms

Alternating Current (AC): The current that is commonly flowing through the electrical sockets in your home. It is an electrical current in the form of a sine wave that oscillates up and down continuously.

Amp: An abbreviation for Ampere. This is a unit of electrical current.

Direct Current (DC): An electrical current flowing in one direction only. DC current does not have a wave form.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Electrical interference generated by appliances and many other electrical components that cause degradation of sound and picture quality in audio and video equipment.

Earth: A conducting object, such as a wire, that is connected to a position of zero-voltage potential. Common connecting points are earth rods or cold-water pipes that are connected to the Earth.

Joule Rating: A measure of electrical energy. The higher the joule rating, the more electrical surges a device can absorb before failing.

Maximum Spike Current: The maximum current (in Amps) that can be absorbed before failing. The higher the maximum spike current, the more current a device can absorb without failing.

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI): Electromagnetic radiation, which is emitted by electrical circuits carrying rapidly changing signals as a by-product of their normal operation, and that causes interference or noise to be induced in other circuits.

Spike: A very fast transient variation in voltage or current. Many small transients, over time, cause components to wear and fail.

Surge: An increase in voltage or current significantly above the designated level in a flow of electricity.


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Contents AP20500ea3M AP20500ea3M-BLK Table of Contents Introduction Safety Precautions Package Contents Power Console Features Hookup and Installation Step Mounting your Power Console OptionalStep Connect Video Components to the Video Filter TV/Monitor VCR Analog Cable TV Set-Top Box ProjectorStep Connect Audio Components to the Audio Filter Tape Player Receiver Preamp TurntablesStep Connect High-Current Audio Filter 8-Second Delay Amplifiers Powered Sub-Woofers Electrostatic SpeakersStep Connect your Pay-Per-View/Phone Line Step Connect your Cable TV/Satellite Coaxial Lines Step Connect your Broadband Ethernet Line Operation Technical SpecificationsCentral LED Control Panel Power Console is not providing power TroubleshootingEarth OK indicator light is not lit Glossary of Power Terms Wiring OK indicator light is not litBelkin Connected Equipment Warranty Belkin Connected Equipment Warranty Belkin Connected Equipment Warranty Munich Manuel de l’utilisateur Branchement et installation Etape Montage de la console Etape 5 Raccorder la ligne vidéo à laIntroduction Précautions de sécurité Contenu de l’emballage Avertissement Sécurité du câble d’alimentationCaractéristiques de la console d’alimentation Branchement et installation Etape Montage de la console d’alimentation en optionEtape Raccorder les composants vidéo au filtre vidéo Etape Raccorder les composants audio au filtre audio Branchement et installation Etape Raccorder la ligne vidéo à la carte/téléphonique Branchement et installation Etape Raccorder la ligne Ethernet à large bande Fonctionnement Panneau de commande central à DELCaractéristiques techniques Dépannage Le voyant « Earth OK indicator » n’est pas alluméConsole d’alimentation ne fournit pas de courant Le voyant indicateur Wiring OK n’est pas allumé GlossaireAssurance Belkin des matériels connectés Assurance Belkin des matériels connectés Assurance Belkin des matériels connectés Munich Benutzerhandbuch Schritt 3 Verbinden der Audiokomponenten mit dem Schritt 4 Verbinden der Audio-HochstromfilterSchritt 5 Schritt 9 Verbinden der Pay-Per-View Schritt 6 Schritt 10 Verbinden der KabelanschlussEinleitung Sicherheitshinweise Verpackungsinhalt Warnung StromkabelFunktionen der Power-Konsole Anschließen & Installieren Schritt Montage der Power-Konsole OptionalAnschließen und Installieren Schritt Verbinden der Videokomponenten mit dem VideofilterSchritt Verbinden der Audiokomponenten mit dem Audiofilter Tonbandgerät Empfänger Preamp SchallplattenspielerAnschließen und Installieren Schritt Verbinden der Pay-Per-View-/Telefonleitung Schritt Verbinden der Kabelanschluss-/Satellitenkabel Schritt Anschließen der Breitband-Ethernet-Leitung Bedienung Zentrale LED-KontrollanzeigeFehlerbehebung Earth OK-Leuchte leuchtet nichtVerzeichnis der Power-Terminologie Wiring OK-Leuchte leuchtet nichtGarantie für angeschlossene Geräte Garantie für angeschlossene Geräte Garantie für angeschlossene Geräte Spanien Italien Niederlande +34 91 791 23 Handleiding Aansluiten en installeren Stap Stap De videocomponenten op het videofilterStap De audiocomponenten op het audiofilter Stap Het high-current audiofilter aansluitenInleiding Voorzorgsmaatregelen Waarschuwing AardingWaarschuwing Dakantennes en satellietschotels Waarschuwing BliksembeveiligingInhoud van de verpakking Waarschuwing Ga voorzichtig met de voedingskabel omKenmerken Power Console Aansluiten en installeren Stap De Power Console monterenoptieStap De videocomponenten op het videofilter aansluiten Stap De audiocomponenten op het audiofilter aansluiten Versterkers Subwoofers Elektrostatische luidsprekerboxen Stap De betaaltelevisie/telefoonlijn aansluiten Stap De coaxiale kabeltelevisie/satellietlijnen aansluiten Stap De breedband-ethernetverbinding aansluiten Bediening Technische gegevens Belkin Power ConsoleCentraal LED-bedieningspaneel Power Console geeft geen voeding Problemen oplossenHet statuslampje Ground OK Aarding in orde brandt niet Het statuslampje Wiring OK Bedrading in orde brandt niet WoordenlijstAangesloten-apparatuurgarantie van Belkin Aangesloten-apparatuurgarantie van Belkin Aangesloten-apparatuurgarantie van Belkin Frankrijk Duitsland +44 0 1933 35 Manual de usuario Paso Conexión de componentes de audio al filtro Paso Conexión del filtro de audio de gran consumoPaso Conexión de las líneas coaxiales de Paso Conexión de la línea Ethernet de banda anchaIntroducción Precauciones de seguridad Contenido del paquete Advertencia Seguridad del cable de alimentaciónCaracterísticas de la consola de alimentación Conexión e Instalación Paso Instalación de la consola de alimentaciónOpcionalPaso Conexión de los componentes de vídeo al filtro de vídeo Paso Conexión de los componentes de audio al filtro de audio Reproductor de cintas Receptor Preamplilficador GiradiscosConexión e Instalación Paso Conexión de la línea Pay-Per-View/Teléfono Conexión e Instalación Paso Conexión de la línea Ethernet de banda ancha Especificaciones técnicas FuncionamientoPanel de control central de indicadores LED La consola de alimentación no suministra alimentación Solución de problemasIndicador de conexión a tierra correcta no se ilumina Glosario de términos de alimentación Garantía de los equipos conectados de Belkin Garantía de los equipos conectados de Belkin Garantía de los equipos conectados de Belkin NN10 6GL, Reino Unido Manuale utente Collegamento e installazione Fase IntroduzioneFase Collegamento delle linee coassiali della tv Fase Collegamento della linea Ethernet a banda largaIntroduzione Indicazioni di sicurezza Avvertenza Messa a terraAvvertenza Acqua ed altri liquidi rischio di folgorazione Avvertenza PuliziaContenuto della confezione Avvertenza Sicurezza del cavo di alimentazioneCaratteristiche della Power Console Collegamento e installazione Fase Montaggio della Power ConsoleopzionaleFase Collegamento dei componenti video al filtro video Fase Collegamento dei componenti audio al filtro audio Registratori Ricevitori Preamp GiradischiCollegamento e installazione 9i\Xb\i Xik Collegamento e installazione Fase Collegamento della linea Ethernet a banda larga Funzionamento Specifiche tecniche Belkin Power ConsolePannello di controllo centrale a LED Rilevazione e risoluzione delle anomalie La Power Console non eroga correnteLa spia luminosa Earth OK non è accesa La spia Wiring OK non è accesa Glossario dei termini elettriciGaranzia sulle apparecchiature collegate Belkin Garanzia sulle apparecchiature collegate Belkin Garanzia sulle apparecchiature collegate Belkin NN10 6GL, Regno Unito