JVC XV-S402SL, XV-S403SG manual Strobe W?²ÐU, ±∏ OPEN/CLOSE Womob

Page 68

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Image 68
Contents RU966/966 RU966RU966/966*2QO\ 17%LASERCLASS1PRODUCT Table of Contents Features Supplied accessoriesTo playback in random order Random Safety precautions Important cautionsNames of parts and controls Front panelFor XV-S402SL/XV-S403SG For XV-S332SLRemote control unit # Infrared signal-emitting window Choice buttonPrevious button 24, 25, 27 Clear button 24, 32, 4210 0 +10 Infrared signal-emitting window Numeric buttons= 3D Phonic button $ Menu buttonDisc indicator PROGRAM/RANDOM indicatorsDisplay window Multi-information windowRear panel Operational Principles On-screen displaysOpening displays Preference displaysPlay mode displays To prevent the monitor from burning out Screen SaverStatus displays During Audio CD/MP3 CD During Video CD/SVCD PlaybackHow to use numeric buttons On-screen guide iconsAbout invalid operation icon To select a track/title numberAbout discs Playable disc typesDisc structure Playable discsConnections Before making any connectionsTo connect to a TV Enabling the S-VIDEO output or the Video outputTo connect to a TV with the component video input jacks Selecting the Color SystemEnabling the Component Video OUT Blue Green Red Component video cable Not supplied UnitAudio cable To connect to an audio amplifier or receiverTo connect to audio equipment with a digital input To connect the power cord Precautions To install batteries in the remote control unitPrecautions for the safe use of batteries Setting the remote control signal for operating your TV You can operate your TV from the remote control unitSet TV-DVD switch to TV position Manufacturer code list+10 Turning on/off the unit Inserting and removing discsPress 0 OPEN/CLOSE to close the disc tray For XV-S332SLBasic playback To start playbackTo stop playback completely To stop playback temporarilyResuming playback To locate the beginning of the scene or songTo memorize the interrupted position To resume playbackPlaying from a specific position on a disc To locate a desired scene from the DVD menuPress TOP Menu or Menu Use the numeric buttons to select the desired itemFor DVD Video During playback To locate a desired selection using 4 or ¢Use the numeric buttons to specify the number Press Enter Press Play ModeUse Cursor 2/3 to move To Chap SEARCH, then press Enter Press Digest To locate a desired scene from the display DigestUse the numeric buttons 0 to 9 to enter the time Special picture playback To display continuous still pictures StrobeUse Cursor 5/∞/2/3 to select the desired scene Press and hold 8 for more than 1 secondTo playback in slow-motion Slow Press 8, then use 1 / ¡Press Zoom Use Cursor 5/∞/2/3 to move the zoomed-in scenePress 3 to start program play Changing the playback orderTo playback in the desired order Program Repeat playback To playback in random order RandomTo repeat the current selection or all tracks Repeat Use Cursor 2/3 to move to RandomMake sure that the Repeat mode is off. If any To repeat a desired part A-B RepeatAudio CD/Video CD/SVCD For Audio CD For Video CD/SVCD To quit repeat playbackSelecting a scene angle To select a scene angle from the normal screen AnglePress Angle Use Angle or Cursor 2/3 to select the desired angleChanging the language and sound To select a scene angle from the angle list display AngleUse Cursor 5/∞/2/3 to select the desired angle Press Enter Press SubtitleUse Audio or Cursor 2/3 to select the desired audio To change the audio language or sound AudioPress Audio Selecting the picture character Enjoying virtual surround soundTo select the picture character To simulate surround sound 3D PhonicTo turn off the disc/time display Press Display Checking the statusTo check the disc/time information To dim the brightness of the display window To check the DVD function statusDimning brightness of the display window Press DisplayBasic operations using the basic control buttons About MP3 CD discUnavailable functions Basic operationsTrack/Group selection using the numeric buttons How to select a Track or GroupAdvanced functions Program playbackYou can playback Groups on an MP3 CD disc in random OrderWindow on the front panel. After playing all groups Disc, random playback endsRepeat playback Disc/time informationYou can repeat playback of the current Group or all Groups During playback or while stoppedLanguage How to set preferencesSelecting preferences Audio To playback a DVD Video Lt/RtL0/R0 LB Letter Box ConversionSystem While Points Set Level, use Cursor Limiting playback by childrenTo set Parental Lock for the first time To change the settings Parental Lock Press Enter while holding down 7 on the remote control unitScreen display appears On the TV screenMoves to Password field When selecting noPress OPEN/CLOSE To remove the discFor XV-S402SL/XV-S403SG only AV Compu Link remote control systemConnection and setup When you connect the component video output to your TV OperationHow to handle discs Maintenance of discsCare and handling of discs Label sideTroubleshooting Symptom Possible case RemedySpecifications Appendix ATable of languages and their abbreviations Appendix BCountry/Area code list for parental lock Èdš« ¡UOý«Ë UNO³Mð ¨ «d¹c% ¹-eOK¹u²« ‰Ëbł …œËe*« UI×K*« «eOL*«Random wz«uAŽ VOðd²Ð qOGA²K Æplay Mode q?O?GA²QOGA² « UN« l UF² « ‰uŠ UEŠö WLNJЫuC «Ë ¡«ełô« ¡ULÝ« WO U ô« WŠuK «BFÐ sŽ rJײ « …bŠË WO Ëô« U uKF*«Strobe W?²ÐU ±∏ OPEN/CLOSE WomobWOHK« WŠuK « PROGRAM/RANDOM±≥ Video OUT Select NTSC/PAL ±¥ Component Video OUT Y/PB/PRWýUA « ‡ vKŽ ÷dF « UýUý ¹«b³ « WýUýQOCH² « UýUý Parental Lock q¼ô« q?H UýUý·UI¹ô« ¡UMŁ« ½«uDÝ« qOGAð ¡UMŁ« DVD VideoCD/MP3 CD DVD VideoÂU -ô« -«-« ‰ULF²Ý« Woho WýUA « ‡ vKŽ qO b « «-Uý«`O×B « dOž qOGA² « …-Uý« ‰uŠ QB r Ë« X Ë ‰Ušœô½«uDÝô« ‰uŠ ½«uDÝô« VO dðQOGA²K Wkðui « U½«uDÝô« Ÿ«u½«WEŠö UN« ·UI¹«ØqOGAð×OLKð WÝUÝô« qOGA² « QOGA² « ¡b³UOK qOGA² « ·UI¹ô ² R …-uBÐ qOGA² « ·UI¹ôQOGA² « ·UM¾²Ý« ÊUJ …d «- ¡UG ô WOMž« Ë« bNA W¹«bÐ œU−¹ôQOGA² « Wfþui Ætitle ½«uDÝô«½«uDÝ« WLzU s »uKD bNA œU−¹ô PBC WHOþË l SVCD/CD u¹bO ? « ‰U?L?F²?ÝU?Ð »u?K?D? -U?O²?š« œU?−?¹ô ¢ -e « Ë« ÂU -ô«¢ -e Ær d « b¹bײ ÂU -ô« -«-« qLF²Ý« ±Æplay Mode qOGA²? « lË jG«± Æplay Mode qOG?A² « lË j?G« ±« Ê«uMF « qš«œ »uKD ÊUJ œU−¹ô Time Search w? 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