Picture Adjust
Color Management
This TV supports the Color Management function to ensure dull colors are compensated to produce natural hues.
| Press the MENU button |
π† To "Picture Adjust" | |
è | To enter |
π† To "Color Management" | |
è | To enter |
π† To set "On" or "Off"
Press the MENU button when finished
C o l o r M a n a g e m e n t
O n
O f f
Dynamic Gamma
JVC's Dynamic Gamma Circuitry (DGC) makes it easier to see dark areas when a picture has | ||
many dark areas, and makes it easier to see the bright areas when a picture has many bright | ||
areas. DGC is turned on, DGC analyzes and adjusts the total level |
| |
of picture brightness balance, especially in dark areas where the | D y n a m i c G a m m a | |
O n | ||
level of grayscale is often lost, turning completely to black DGC | ||
O f f | ||
automatically enhances the detail in these dark areas providing | ||
| ||
a more dynamic image with finer detail, so the optimum picture |
| |
settings are automatically set for each picture. Normally use with |
| |
DGC on. |
| Press the MENU button |
π† | To "Picture Adjust" |
è | To enter |
π† | To "Dynamic Gamma" |
è | To enter |
π† | To set "On" or "Off" |
| Press the MENU button when finished |
Smart Picture
Smart Picture detects the APL (Average Picture Level) and adjusts the contrast suitable for what you are watching.
| Press the MENU button |
π† | To "Picture Adjust" |
è | To enter |
π† | To "Smart Picture" |
è | To enter |
π† | To set "On" or "Off" |
| Press the MENU button when finished |
S m a r t P i c t u r e
O n
O f f
• When you have "Dynamic" selected in the "Video Status", Smart Picture is not selected.