JVC LT-20A60SU manual PC Input Typical Display Modes

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PC Input Typical Display Modes

The display has a maximum resolution of 1360x768, vertical sync. frequency range of 50-75 Hz and a horizontal sync. frequency range of 30-69 KHz.

The￿￿￿￿￿following￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿table is an illustration￿￿of ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿some ￿￿￿of the typical￿￿video￿￿￿display￿￿modes￿. ￿￿￿







The native resolution of the TFT-LCD Panel is 1366 x 768. Therefore using Mode 15 is advised to get the best PC input display quality.

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Contents LT-20A60SU For your safety ContentsDO… English Care and disposal Important Information Please take noteGreen Remote Control ButtonsControl Panel Buttons 227723&295Using the stand Remove the terminal Cover Where to install Preparation Before Switching on your TVTo switch the TV on Switching the TV ON/OFFHow to connect other devices Inserting batteries in the remote control handsetFirst A.P.S. Automatic Programming System Operating the TVOperating with Remote Control Picture Menu MenuSystemEnglish Sound Menu Feature Menu Ton Install MenuProgram Menu TV Status Other FeaturesSound Indicator Source MenuNo-Signal Detection TV mode Picture ModeSleep Timer Mute IndicatorAuto Zoom ModesPC Picture Position Menu PC ModeInstallation Main Menu in PC modePC Picture Menu Sound in PC modePIP Picture Teletext Connections PeripheralEquipment Decoder Connecting Headphones Connecting the PC Via the ANT aerial socketPeripheralEquipmentConnections AntennaConnections PeripheralEquipmentConnections PC Input Typical Display Modes Tips LT-20A60SU Specifications