LG Electronics DKE573XB Still Picture and Frame-by-Frame Playback, Slow Motion DVD VCD DivX

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Still Picture and Frame-by-Frame Playback


1.Press PAUSE/STEP on the remote control during playback. Advance the picture frame-by-frame by pressing PAUSE/STEP repeatedly.

2.To exit still motion mode, press PLAY.

Slow Motion DVD VCD DivX

1.Press PAUSE/STEP (X) during playback.

The DVD player will now go into PAUSE mode.

2.Use the SCAN (m or M) to select the required speed: t 1/16, t 1/8, t 1/4, or t 1/2 (backward), or T 1/16, T 1/8, T 1/4, or T 1/2 (forward).

With a DivX Disc and Video CD, the Slow speed changes: T 1/16, T 1/8, T 1/4 or T 1/2 (forward).

3.To exit Slow Motion mode, press PLAY (N).


Slow motion playbsck in reverse is not possible with Video CDs and DivX Discs.

Random VCD Karaoke DVD

1.Press RANDOM during playback. The unit automatically begins random playback and RANDOM appears on the TV screen.

2.Press RANDOM again to normal.


By pressing SKIP > during random playback, the unit selects another title (track) and resumes random playback.


On a Video CD with PBC, You must set PBC to Off on the setup menu to use the random function (See “PBC” on page 14).

Repeat A-BDVD VCD DivX

To repeat a sequence.

1.Press A-B at your chosen starting point. “ A * ” appears briefly on the TV screen.

2.Press A-B again at your chosen end point.

“A B” appears briefly on the TV screen and the repeat sequence begins.

3.Press A-B again to cancel.

Repeat DVD VCD1.1 DivX

You can play a title/chapter/all/track on a disc. Press REPEAT during playback to select a desired repeat mode.

DVD Video Discs - Repeat Chapter/Title/Off

Chapter: repeats the current chapter.

Title: repeats the current title.

Off : does not play repeatedly.

Video CDs, DivX discs - Repeat Track/All/Off

Track : repeats the current track

All : repeats all the tracks on a disc.

Off : does not play repeatedly.


On a Video CD with PBC, you must set PBC to Off on the setup menu to use the repeat function (See “PBC” on page 14).

If you press SKIP (>) once during Repeat Chapter (Track) playback, the repeat playback cancels.

3D Surround DVD VCD DivX

To produce a 3D surround effect that simulates multi- channel audio from two stereo speakers (instead of the five+ speakers normally required for multi-channel audio from a home theater system).

1.Press DISPLAY during playback.

2.Use 3 or 4 to select the sound option. The sound option will be highlighted.

3.Use 1 or 2 to to select “3D SUR”.

To turn off the 3D Surround effect, select “Normal”.

Time Search DVD VCD DivX

To start playing at any chosen time on the disc:

1.Press DISPLAY during playback. The time search box shows the elapsed playing time.

2.Press v / V to select the time clock icon and “-:--:--” appears.

3.Input the required start time in hours, minutes, and seconds from left to right. If you enter the wrong numbers, press CLEAR to remove the numbers you entered. Then input the correct numbers.

4.Press ENTER to confirm. Playback starts from the selected time.



Image 17
Contents »ÌÙÓχˆËÓÌ̇ˇ ÒÎÛÊ·‡ LG Electronics DVD PlayerSerial Number Contents About the Symbol Display Symbol Used in this ManualCleaning Discs Handling DiscsDVD Types of Playable DiscsDisc-related terms Open / Close Z Play N Starts playback Stop x Stops playback Disc TrayDisplay window Remote SensorScan m / M Remote Control OperationV V left/right/up/down Selects an item in the menu TV Control ButtonsDVD Player Connections Setting up the PlayerRear of DVD player Audio Connection to Optional EquipmentPlayback Status/Restrictions On-Screen DisplayGeneral Operation Initial SettingsTo Turn on progressive scan Progressive ScanTV Output Select Sample Freq. Frequency DVDAuto Play DVD Dynamic Range Control DRC DVD DivXE. Black Level Expansion DivXR VOD DivXLock Parental Control Password Security CodeRating DVD UnlockPlaying a DVD or Video CD General FeaturesSlow Motion DVD VCD DivX Still Picture and Frame-by-Frame PlaybackDVD Video Discs Repeat Chapter/Title/Off Video CDs, DivX discs Repeat Track/All/OffSpecial DVD Features Audio CD Playing an Audio CD or MP3/WMA DiscMoving to another Track CD MP3 WMA Audio CD and MP3 / WMA Disc FeaturesRepeat Track/All/Off CD MP3 WMA Repeat A-B CDProgrammed Playback Viewing a Jpeg Disc Handling the Unit Maintenance and ServicePlaying a DivX Movie Disc Playable Audio format Playable DivX filePlayable Codec format Additional Features Press Karaoke to exit the Karaoke menu Using the Karaoke FunctionArea Codes Language CodesSpecifications TroubleshootingÓÍ ÒÎÛÊ·˚ ÔË·Ó‡ 7 ÎÂÚ ÒÓ ‰Ìfl ÔÂe‰a˜Ë ÚÓ‚apa ÔÓÚpe·uÚeβ DVD-èãÖÖêÇ ÔÂ„ÛʇÈÚ ÓÁÂÚÍË. èÂ„ÛÊÂÌÌ˚Â, Ò··Ó ÇçàåÄçàÖ òÌÛ ÔËÚ‡ÌËflËÖêàâçõâ çéåÖê ÇÓÏÂ ÏÓ‰ÂÎË ËÂËÈÌ˚È ÌÓÏÂ ‡Ú‡ ÔËÓ·ÂÚÂÌËflÌÔ‡‚ÎÂÌËÂ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ÔÛθڇ ‰ËÒڇ̈ËÓÌÌÓ„Ó ÀÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÔÛθڇ ‰ËÒڇ̈ËÓÌÌÓ„Ó·˘Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËË ‡Ï˜‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ‰ËÒÍ‡Ï ËËÏ‚ÓÎ˚, ËÒÔÓθÁÛÂÏ˚ ‚ ‰‡ÌÌÓÏ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚ÂÉÚÓ·‡ÊÂÌË ÒËÏ‚Ó· ‡Ï˜‡ÌËfl ÔÓ DVD-‰ËÒÍ‡Ï Ë ‚ˉÂÓ‰ËÒÍ‡Ï Ê„ËÓ̇θÌ˚È ÍÓ‰‡ÌÌ˚È DVD-ÔÎÂÂ ‡Á‡·ÓÚ‡Ì Ë ‡Ï˜‡ÌËfl ÔÓ „ËÓ̇θÌ˚Ï ÍÓ‰‡ÏÍÂÏËÌ˚, Ëϲ˘Ë ÓÚÌÓ¯ÂÌËÂ Í ‰ËÒÍ‡Ï ÇéëèêéàáÇÖÑÖçàÖ N 燘‡ÎÓ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËfl Ëíéè Power èàíÄçàÖÃÓÚÓÍ ‰Îfl ‰ËÒ͇ Éíäêõíú / áÄäêõíú ZÚÂ΂ËÁÓÓÏ ÈÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌË DVD-ÔÎÂÂ‡ ÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ÔÎÂÂ‡Çˉ ÚÂ΂ËÁÓ‡ ÒÁ‡‰Ë DVD-ÔÎÂÂ‡ÌÒËÎËÚÂθAmplifier ReceiverÂÒË‚Â ÈÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌË ‰ÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓ„Ó Á‚ÛÍÓ‚Ó„Ó Ó·ÓÛ‰Ó‚‡ÌËflËÎË DTS ëÓ‰ËÌËÚ ӉËÌ ËÁ ˆËÙÓ‚˚ı ‡Û‰ËÓ‚˚ıÓ‰Ó‚ ÑËÙÓ‚ÓÈ ÏÌÓ„Ó͇̇θÌ˚È Á‚ÛÍÅÂÚÓ‰ ‚˚·Ó‡ ËϘ‡ÌËflËÓÒÚÓflÌË ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËfl / Ó„‡Ì˘ÂÌËfl ÑÂÈÒÚ‚Ë Á‡Ô¢ÂÌÓ ËÎË Ì‚ÓÁÏÓÊÌÓÜáõä ·˘Ë Û͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ÏÂÌ˛ÇÌËχÌË ÄìÑàéÒÓÓÚ‚ÂÚÒÚ‚ËË Ò PBC PBC VCD‚ÚÓ. ÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË DVD E. ì‚Â΢ÂÌË ÛÓ‚Ìfl ˜ÂÌÓ„ÓÊÂÈÚËÌ„ DVD ÅãéäàêéÇäÄOÚÍp˚Ú¸ ÈAPOãb‡ÒÚÓÈ͇ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËfl ·˘Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËËÈÂÂıÓ‰ Í ‰Û„ËÏ Title Á‡„ÓÎÓ‚ÍÛ DVD ÈÂÂıÓ‰ Í ‰Û„ËÏ Chapter ‡Á‰ÂÎÛ/TRACKPause ‡Ï‰ÎÂÌÌÓ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËÂÓËÁ‚ÓθÌÓ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË ÊÂÊËÏ Ó·˙ÂÏÌÓ„Ó Á‚Û˜‡ÌËfl 3D SurroundËÔˆˇθÌ˚ ÙÛÌ͈ËË DVD ID3 TAG ÄÛ‰ËÓ‰ËÒÍËMP3 / WMA ÈÂÂıÓ‰ Í ‰Û„ÓÈ ‰ÓÓÊÍ CD MP3 WMA ÇÓ ‚ÂÏfl ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËfl ̇ÊÏËÚ Íìóôíû PAUSE/STEP˚ Ïóêâúâ ‚ÓÒÔÓËÁ‚ÂÒÚË Ó‰ÌÛ ‰ÓÓÊÍÛ/‚Ò ‰ÓÓÊÍË Ì‡ ‰ËÒÍ ÈÓ‚ÚÓ A-B CD‚˚ıÓ‰ ËÁ ÂÊËχ ‰‡ÍÚËÓ‚‡ÌËfl ÔÓ„‡ÏÏ˚ ËϘ‡ÌË ‡ÊÏËÚ PROGRAM. á̇ÍÅÂÌ˛ ‡Û‰ËÓ‰ËÒ͇ ÅÂÌ˛ MP3/WMA-‰ËÒ͇ ÈÓ‚ÚÓÂÌË Á‡ÔÓ„‡ÏÏËÓ‚‡ÌÌ˚ı ÚÂÍÓ‚‡˘ÂÌË ͇ÚËÌÍË ÉÚÔ‡‚͇ ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚‡ ·‡˘ÂÌËÂ Ò ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚ÓÏÈÓ‰‰ÂÊË‚‡ÈÚ ‚̯ÌË ÔÓ‚ÂıÌÓÒÚË ˜ËÒÚ˚ÏË ˜ËÒÚ͇ ÛÒÚÓÈÒÚ‚‡ÇÓÒÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚È Ù‡ÈÎ DivX ‡ÒÚÓÈ͇ ÓÚÓ·‡ÊÂÌËfl ÒÛ·ÚËÚÓ‚ DivXÇÓÒÔËÁ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚È ÙÓÏ‡Ú Codec ÇÓÒÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÏ˚È ‡Û‰ËÓÙÓχÚ˚·Ó ÒËÒÚÂÏ˚ ‡ÌËÚÂθ ˝Í‡Ì‡‡ÒÚÓÈ͇ ‚ˉÂÓÂÊËÏÓ‚ ÈÓ‰Ó·ÌÓ ÓÔËÒ‡ÌË ‚ˉÂÓÂÊËÏÓ‚Karaoke ÀÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ÙÛÌ͈ËË Í‡‡ÓÍÂËòôóîìâìëâ Ôâòìë ˚·ÂËÚ ÍÓ‰ „ËÓ̇ ËÁ ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÒÔËÒ͇ ÄÓ‰˚ flÁ˚ÍÓ‚ÍÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍË ı‡‡ÍÚÂËÒÚËÍË ÈÓËÒÍ Ë ÛÒÚ‡ÌÂÌË ÌÂËÒÔ‡‚ÌÓÒÚÂÈ