P/N: 082060393E1
| Left: | 50 deg |
| Right: | 50 deg |
z | Video Input | 2 CV inputs/ 1 | |
z | Video System | NTSC/PAL auto recognition | |
z | Colour Adjustment | Brightness |
z | Operating Temp | ||
z | Power Input | ||
z | Dimension of LCD Panel | 88 x 82 x 22 mm (W x H x D) | |
z | Weight (Excl. Battery) | 150g |
| 28 |
| |
z | Type: | |
z | Capacity: | 11.1V 1100mAh |
z | Charging Time: | 4 Hours (approx) |
z | Weight | 82g |
z | Dimensions | 52 x 38 x 21mm |
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