Programming in AUX mode: Press 2 before entering the tuner/ amplifier code.
Aiwa 636 641 656 687 718 720 724 | NEC 716 739 |
725 726 | Onkyo 642 660 662 678 |
Bose 761 | Optimus 648 664 734 744 749 |
Carver 653 | Panasonic 643 644 652 742 746 |
Citizen 709 | Pioneer 658 667 668 679 702 734 |
Curtis Mathes 734 | Proton 654 705 |
Denon 647 674 757 758 759 760 762 | Quasar 652 742 746 |
Fisher 653 741 | Radio Shack 744 |
GE 711 | RCA 635 638 704 727 |
Goldstar 677 690 | Sansui 753 |
Harmon/Kardon 640 672 751 | Sanyo 741 |
Hitachi 717 754 | Sharp 712 713 714 715 749 |
JBL 640 | Sherwood 646 670 736 738 744 |
JVC 637 683 703 725 | Sony 639 645 650 687 728 729 730 |
Kenwood 649 676 691 726 728 745 | Soundmatters 763 |
Luxman 752 | Teac 684 737 |
Magnavox 654 705 740 | Technics 643 644 652 742 746 |
Marantz 651 740 742 743 764 | Toshiba 710 |
NAD 739 | Yamaha 663 730 731 732 733 745 |
Nakamichi 671 748 750 | 747 |
Programming in AUX mode: In most cases use these codes to program in VCR mode; however, if programming in AUX mode, press 1 before entering the VCR code.
Aiwa 634 694 751 | Norcent 712 |
Alpine 653 | Onkyo 713 |
Apex 654 655 743 744 757 | Oritron 723 |
Bose 758 | Panasonic 639 662 663 714 715 716 |
Broksonic 656 752 | 717 734 765 |
Clarion 696 | Philips 640 641 766 |
Classic 695 | Pioneer 665 718 719 |
Daewoo 657 | Proscan 720 |
Denon 697 698 699 700 | Qwestar 721 723 |
Emerson 658 701 | RCA 627 650 666 690 742 749 |
Fisher 659 | Sampo 724 |
Funai 658 | Samsung 651 652 667 668 691 740 |
GE 702 703 | 741 |
Go Video 692 693 | Sansui 725 754 |
GPX 704 | Sanyo 643 726 |
Hitachi 632 635 660 705 706 707 | Sharp 669 727 746 |
JVC 636 689 708 711 | Sherwood 728 |
Kenwood 761 | Sony 617 644 645 670 671 729 730 |
Konka 637 638 753 | 731 768 |
Koss 745 | Sylvania 658 764 |
Lasonic 762 | Teac 732 |
Magnavox 626 661 762 | Technics 733 |
Memorex 709 | Techwood 664 |
Mintek 710 | Toshiba 616 646 647 672 735 736 |
Mitsubishi 629 767 | 750 |
NAD 701 | Yamaha 737 738 739 |
Nakamichi 763 | Zenith 648 673 |