These instructions explain how to read out and verify the device code(s) for the equipment you have programmed the remote to control. You may write these code(s) in the spaces provided in the table on the last page, just in case you need to enter a device code manually.
Instructions | Additional Information |
1Press MENU, select the Settings tile, and then select Remote Control. The Home screen for your current remote control is displayed.
2Verify that the brand name of TV shown in parentheses after the code matches the brand name of your equipment.
3For DVD and AUX modes, the codes should be accompanied by the brand name of your equipment in parentheses. Note that the type of device controlled in DVD mode may be either a DVD/BD player or VCR, and AUX also may be an audio receiver, accessory, amplifier, or a second TV.
The Remote Control screen should show the settings assigned for Remote Name, TV Code, DVD Code, and AUX Code for your current remote.
If you want your remote to control two televisions of different brands, then program one in TV Mode and the other TV in AUX Mode.
Multiple remotes (up to eight) can be linked to each ViP922 DVR. In this case, each remote in DVD or AUX mode can be set to control a different type or brand of DVD or AUX device. For example, one remote’s AUX mode button may be set to control an amplifier, while the another linked remote’s AUX mode button controls a VCR.
Since your remote control uses
The ViP922 DVR links to and communicates with its remote control(s) through a special antenna connected to the REMOTE ANTENNA input on the receiver’s back panel. Note: This special remote antenna cannot be used with any other DISH Network satellite receivers or their remotes.