RAD Data comm RSD-20 Theory of Operation and Applications, Introduction, Contention

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This chapter contains a simplified functional description of the RSD-20, and covers the flow of data, controls and clocks in all RSD-20 operating modes.


RTS/DCD contention in V.35 interface is interchangeable with CONTROL/INDICATION contention for X.21 interface. Sub-channel access to the main channel for data transmission is controlled by RTS/DCD (Request to Send/Data Carrier Detect) or (CONTROL/INDICATION in X.21 version) or data contention. When selected, the data and timing signals of the active sub-channels pass through the contention circuit and the SELECT/DESELECT circuit of the sub-channels to the elastic buffer, where data is clocked in and out of the main channel.

When a continuous mark is detected, and if strapped to data contention, the SELECT/DESELECT circuit breaks the data path of the active sub-channel. It then selects another sub-channel and resets the buffer. Otherwise the sub-channel will remain connected until RTS/DCD or (CONTROL/INDICATION) go down.


Manual or automatic disable of streaming sub-channels is possible. If the sub-channel is DTE (connected to a modem) the RSD-20 drops RTS, and if the sub-channel is DCE (connected to port) the RSD-20 drops DCD and CTS and X.21 drops CONT. In addition, the RSD-20 will stop transmitting data to the sub-channel, and will ignore any data received from it.

4.3.1 Manual Disable

Manual disable is activated by four push-button switches, one for each sub-channel, which are located on the front panel. Disabling the sub-channel is achieved by depressing the appropriate switch. The sub-channel will remain inactive until the switch is released by depressing it again.

4.3.2 Automatic Disable

A streaming sub-channel is disabled automatically if it has stayed active for longer than a preset period of time, thereby blocking all other sub-channels. Automatic disabling of a sub-channel resets itself each time RTS/DCD or data (in data contention mode) drops. Selection of one of three different time delays or non-active mode as indicated on the PCB.


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Contents RSD-20 DUUDQW\ 6DIHW\DUQLQJV HFODUDWLRQRI&RQIRUPLW\ Table of Contents Introduction GeneralFunctional Description Specifications Power IndicatorsOrdering PhysicalPhysical Installation InstallationElectrical Installation AC PowerInternal Switches and Strap Selection Rear PanelRear Panel Installation Installation RSD-20/V.35 System Synchronization and Clock DistributionSynchronization on Main Channel Modem Clock Synchronization on Main Channel Modem’s ClockSynchronization on Internal Clock Synchronization on RSD-20 Internal ClockSynchronization on Sub-channel RSD-20External Clock for more than one Sub-channel RSD-20/X.21Main channel is DTE attached to a modem Main and all sub-channels are DCE attached to DTEsMain channel is DCE and sub-channels are mixed DTE and DCE Controls and Indicators Operation Front Panel Power Turn On Operating ProcedurePower Turn Off OperationPower Supply Fault Isolation ProcedureOperational Field Strapping Changes RSD MalfunctionSUB-CHANNEL Disable ContentionTheory of Operation and Applications IntroductionMain Channel Control Signals Control SignalsSub-channel Control Signals RSD-20/V.35RSD-20/X.21 Theory of Operation and Applications RSD-20 Operators Manual Theory of Operation and Applications RSD-20 Operating Modes ApplicationsAppendix a Table A.1 X21 Interface Signal DescriptionAppendix B Table B.1 Interface Signal Description