5.2.14. Adjust Picture Quality
Click Image Adjust button to adjust the searched screen. Select each functions and it can be seen directly in the searched screen.
1.Grayscale: Make the screen black and white.
2.Equalize Contrast: Equalize the brightness and darkness.
3.Lowpass Filter: Delete high frequency of signal.
4.Highpass Filter: Delete low frequency of image signal.
5.Edge Enhanced Filter: Make the edge clearer.
6.Noise Reduction Filter: Eliminate noise.
7.Brightness: Adjust brightness of the screen.
8.Contrast: Adjust contrast of the screen.
Click [Initialize] button and the image effect set by the user will be cancelled and return to default.
5.2.15. Deinterlace
Removes feathering, which appears in motion detected area recorded in 640× 480 in playback. Display method, Odd Field/Even Field/Full Frame, converts in order when this button is pressed. Default is Full Frame (640×480), and feathering is caused at this state. However, by selecting Odd/Even, resolution changes to 640×240, where vertical resolution is reduced in half, removes feathering.