Connector considerations :
Upon design of this kit we determined that we would use standard size connectors for interface. We ended up using connector cables from PCs to determine what sizes you may have laying around at home, or available at the local electronics store. Connector 1 uses a 34 pin connector, which is common on most hard drives, and connector 2 uses a 14 pin connector which was a common size in the stores near here.
To connect these up you can bring the wires of the ribbon cable out to a connector board that you devise yourself, or add on some wire to run directly to the device you wish to control. Use the look up tables on pages 20 and 21 to determine what wires go where. Note that pin 1 and wire one are marked so that you don’t get confused.
Expanding Notes:
If you decide to expand your URC1 to take full advantage of the number of outputs it may control, notice how almost all of the chips in this kit are serially accessed. They all work in much the same way as a serial latching shift register, so all that needs to be done is to cascade the devices. (We will leave this up to you to figure out and experiment with). Note that U1 and U3 are already in the cascaded form (you can use their example to expand the number of outputs). If you don’t feel too confident in doing it yourself, we will be coming out with an expansion kit in the near future.